Drug test for welfare recipients

Finally some sense, we live under a government that's prime directive is a less controlling government and somehow we have been educated to think that a bigger government will somehow actually work within a framework that points to less government. Any reason Obama wants to "Change" things? so his idea of America will work me thinks. We elected an expansionist not a constructivist.

Its sad that people think adding more government will fix a problem cause by to much government...

I could quit work tomorrow, file for a mortage bailout and blame someone else for my inability to pay, sign up for welfare, foodstamps, emergency assistance, free medical (in Oregon) stand on the freeway onramp with a sign calling myself a vet and beg while suing McDonalds for spilling hot coffee on my junk and talking on my free phone. Any reason why we have a welfare problem and people are mad about it?

My God, I think you found your avocation!!!
Tis' tempting but there is this little thing called pride and ambition. Guys like me never retire. I have a son in college and another one yet to put through so that is not gonna work.

P.S. that smiley thing on the toolbar is there to help you convey your points.

My God, I think you found your avocation!!!
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Finally some sense, we live under a government that's prime directive is a less controlling government and somehow we have been educated to think that a bigger government will somehow actually work within a framework that points to less government. Any reason Obama wants to "Change" things? so his idea of America will work me thinks. We elected an expansionist not a constructivist.

Quote: Asking for government drug testing is asking for bigger government to fix a big government problem...
I would LOVE for this to become a national thing! I work in a pharmacy and you would not believe how many people come in smelling like weed or completely coked out getting their free prescriptions. It makes me so mad seeing the elderly paying $100 copays for blood pressure and heart medications, then some coked out druggie comes in after them with a script for an antibiotic and vicodin that they will recieve for free then throw the antibiotic out on their way out the door. Its sad
[[[[[...... Government housing had a waiting list, so we were rented a one bedroom......]]]]]]

Maybe if the cheaters were kicked off the welfare roles and not using whatever available assets, there might be housing for those who really need it.

I own a little rental. I have had 3 different families apply, who were getting the government to pay all their housing through section 8, and had incomes of $50,000- $60,000 a year. Those people did not need any help with their housing, yet they were taking slots and using up available housing grants. One of those couples arrived in separate brand new Escalades.

I have had 2 different Section 8 families apply, one that owned 3 horses, and one that had 2 horses full time, but took in rescue horses, so there would be more horses than 2 at various times. I've also seen an ad asking for Section 8 housing with a pasture from a family with 2 horses. I'm sorry, but if you have enough money to support 2-3 horses, you have enough money to pay your own rent.

So that is 6 houses in the Section 8 program going to cheats and not available to families who genuinely need help. That is just one little house with one landlord in a rather small town. How many do you think there are county-wide? There are limited Section 8 grants and there are very limited landlords who will accept Section 8. Those available places should not be going to liars and cheats. There are people who genuinely need those places and can't get one because they are full up.
I'm not saying there aren't cheats out there... but the vast majority aren't the cheaters. And of the small minority that are cheating, a pee test isn't going to catch them.

As I said before- a living wage will go A LONG ways to helping a lot of people get back on their feet. My husband and I could have supported ourselves with that. Back then, I think our local living wage would have been $9-10... a far cry from the $6.45 most were hiring at.

And for addicts? How about some help, rather than enabling them? Several countries have proven that approaching addiction for the medical condition it is have much better results. They have people that have gotten out of the spiral and are now hard working productive citizens. http://www.parl.gc.ca/Content/SEN/Committee/371/ille/presentation/ucht-e.htm

In Fl there is *one degree of separation* for opiate addicts. Ever single person in FL has a addict in either the immediate family or very close to them. 1 in 10 people. That is sickening. And a pee test WILL NOT show that. They let themselves go into withdrawl for 24 hours and they are in the clear. But 1 in ten people are not on welfare... most addicts are in the workforce and functioning.

And before anyone says anything- I grew up in FL. I can speak on this issue because it was something that I really thinks needs a lot more care and attention than it gets. Throwing money into a program that looks good on paper but has no real value in fixing anything isn't what is needed. And yes- I do know opiate addicts. No- I have never tried that vile crap.

It doesn't mean those that have are no longer people not worthy of a second chance.

Back to the question on topic... Pee testing isn't financially worth it in practice. It's a crappy band aid for an open festering wound.

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