Drug test for welfare recipients

Gee wiz where do I start? Birth control for pure medical reasons is not the major use for the pill and as a RN you should of known that, nice try tho. Hormonal contraception "the pill" is for preventing pregnancy but yes it can be used as a treatment. Did you know that MEN invented birth control? .http://inventors.about.com/library/inventors/blthepill.htm Good food and nutrition are essential to women's health also, should the government supply 3 meals a day and only let women provide those meals? Listen to what you are saying... Seeing as you are having a hard time keeping focused on the thread topic my comments about birth control are directed at welfare queens and if you consider your self one then that is not my problem and if you are not one then you are worrying about nothing. My sister is an RN and makes almost 50.00hr. you are telling me you cannot make it on that?

Viagra does fix medical conditions and I think if it is prescribed by your physician then it should be covered but not as a recreational drug.

You obviously have not read many of my threads I bash deadbeat men also... an equal opportunity offender.

As for benefits from SSI I would think your husband payed into it and would be owed that survivor benefit and I do not consider that welfare for what it is worth seeing as you do not know me personally or well enough and yet you have called me a bigot, chauvinist and stupid...thank you.

Have you ever considered re-marrying? It may ease your burden.

RNs make over $40hr in my state. Oh and I believe the majority of jobs nowadays are requiring drug test. You have to pass a drug test to pay taxes to support welfare its only fair to pass a drug test to receive welfare imo.
One of the biggest barriers to getting a low paying job vs welfare is the whole issue of childcare. Someone with small children, making minimum wage is not going to make it. They can't afford decent care for their children and work. It makes more sense for them to collect welfare, and take care of their children; then to work and not have someone safe to leave their kids with.

My kids are getting past the need for daycare, but if my husband had died 4 years ago, and I had had to go back to work, my income level would have dropped by about 80%. After school care would be about $400/month for both kids (based on the local YMCA aftercare program). Assuming a take home pay of about $1200/month, about a third of my income would have to be spent on daycare. That doesn't leave a whole lot left for food, clothing, car, housing and utilities. This isn't even assuming minimum wage...if it was a minimum wage job, gross would be about $1200/month...if you don't trust my math...$7.25/hour for 2000 hours a year (50 forty hour work weeks) is $14,500/year.
I do know that here in Calif. there is a program to help with child care for low income single parents. They will pay for your childcare if you go back to work. And I don't know how long they help but it seems like a good program.
The hole point of the Constitution is define the fed an limit its power. If it was interpreted the way you are trying to make it out then all laws congress makes would be constitutional an the supreme court would not have spent all these years striking down unconstitutional laws..

Besides if all they legally had to do to ban something was have congress pass a law then why did they go threw all the trouble to have the states ratify a amendment to the Constitution when they wanted to ban booze?
So does the Constitution only say what the federal government CAN do or does it say only what they CANNOT do ?

They may have gone threw the trouble of amending the constitution because congress did not want to take all the heat of outlawing booze. And I think most people thought it would fail as an amendment and then Congress could say they tried.
Hemet, we have the same childcare program here in my state...
Heck, my state will even provide funds for a used vehicle for you,.... so you can go to work or go to school... (yep, they buy cars for people too..)

FREE college/education , FREE childcare, VERY cheap or free rent/ utilities.., FREE vehicle.... FREE cell phone.... FREE food.. FREE medical,...
WHAT the hell else do you WANT to get back on your feet??? :barnie
My SIL would watch kids for single working parents and she would get paid by the government for daycare and a check for every meal she would cook for the kids.

If someone in this country cannot make it with al the free stuff they are not living within thier means number one and number two they do not want to.

Drug tests cost what about 150.00 to do in the private sector? Someone said they got 750.00 or so in welfare, well in a year you would save about 8850.00 in cash and who knows what else in benefits and if the people have kids take them away as the way I see it you are doing drugs you are not fit to have kids and the kids may have a better chance at breaking the welfare cycle in a balanced home.

Red, welfare queens do not make money on thier feet.
Sitting at the Lawmakers table has become a snare to legislators.

Both. It tells how the government should work an what power each branch has. Then the amendments add powers an restrict others. The amendment #10 says this "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."

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