Drug test for welfare recipients

Do not forget that just because the feds use the commerce law to enforce law that that is the only reason they are doing it for.

Pot is a gateway drug for the young and although it is a pretty plant to grow it needs curtailed. The law in California was passed as medicinal use and drugs are regulated by the DEA which California supports. We all know it was a backdoor to legalization but they chose to deception in passing it for medicinal and that opens the door to DEA scrutiny like any other medicine.
There is a guy here where I live that has a medical pot card. He now wants a dispensary card. Friday and Saturday night at least a dozen cars are there of high school age drivers. I know this for a fact it is right next door to my son's girlfriend's house. My wife said she will turn them in. They are providing pot to kids.
What a load... Gateway my butt. Pot was everywhere in this county when I was young. It was the drug of choice cause booze was banned. About half of the kids I went to school with had tried it but only about 40 or so out of a school of 600 used it a lot. Cocaine an the other bad stuff was just movie props as far as we knew cause it was non existent here. 6 years as a firemen an I never saw any drug related deaths or sickness other that smoking tobacco an DUI. But when they cracked down on pot meth took over an the death toll has went threw the roof...

Just like when Prohibition banned beer the market filled with bathtub gin an killed lots of people. Bathtub gen went away when Budweiser was put back to work.

The gateway to bad drugs is preventing people from getting the not so bad ones.

I have seen both sides of the equation an I will take living in a community where pot is easy to get over people killing there selves with meth an crack cause they cant get pot.

CNBC did a good show on the real cost an reality of pot an the war on pot called "Marijuana USA", its on netflix for anyone that does not want to be an wants to know about reality...
Nothing will lower your inhibitions like alcohol. Marijuana as a gateway drug is as outdated as the 1960s public service announcements.
I really think it all comes down to money. Sooner or later the federal government will realize that people will use drugs, the drug war, Rockefellar drug laws, whatever.. nothing will prevent the population from experimenting with drugs. It's said there are more people addicted to alcohol than all other drugs, legal or not, combined. The only difference is alcohol gives money to the state. I took a criminal justice class as an elective and we were able to tour the Multnomah County(Portland) jails and talk to the inmates. I bet you 75% of them claimed to be intoxicated during their crime. Majority was alcohol but there were some hard drugs. Not one single person said they were so high off marijuana they went on a criminal rampage. That being said this isn't really a marijuana debate thread so maybe we should steer back on course.
Why should I have to deal with the psychological effects and mood swings of potheads or any other drug use? Alcohol is by far a bigger problem. We have people in the government making policy while intoxicated for pete's sake (Ted Kennedy?).
People choosing meth because pot is not available? give me a break. Meth destroys the pleasure center of the brain and replaces it with the high of meth that is why it is so bad. I cannot believe anyone that defends pot use can make any rational defense for it that is absurd. You mean to tell me you want your kids to smoke it? The average age of use for it is getting younger all the time any guess as to why? The fact that alcohol is legal could be why 75% of the people were drunk when committing a crime... you think? Oh and it is readily available. The drug problem will always be with us that is reality and me being a realist knows the best you can do is lessen it's use by enforcing laws that make it illegal. We have not had the greatest luck with alcohol related deaths and pot is just as disabling in one's ability to function.

When my kids were young I would not let them ride with parents that smoked weed for a reason.

Lets use the same analogy with say murder... or robbery... not everyone robs or murders but what the hell lets legalize it because it won't increase it. The whole notion of this is absurd. Here is the reality of it some people just do not care and act like animals when on drugs and that is the real problem, fix that.

Pot used to be unregulated but we have too many people with too much leisure time now days. They are not hunting and gathering their food anymore because in part due to welfare and other things and they need something to occupy themselves with. An idle mind is the devils plaything.

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The gateway theory has been the subject of much criticism. Perhaps most common is the claim that gateway theory proponents commit either the post hoc ergo propter hoc or the cum hoc ergo propter hoc logical fallacies. In the latter case, it is argued, proponents of the gateway theory invalidly infer a causal relationship between two variables (in this case, the relationship between the use of less harmful soft drugs and the use of more dangerous hard drugs) from a relationship between the two variables that is strictly correlational. [18][21][43][44]
Alternative explanations for the correlation between the use of soft drugs (e.g., marijuana) and the use of hard drugs (e.g, cocaine, heroin) include, but are not limited to:
  • Some individuals are, for whatever reason, willing to try any substance, and the "gateway" drugs are merely the ones that are (usually) available at an earlier age than the harder drugs.[18]
  • Particularly for cannabis, which is illegal, exposure to the black market (where harder drugs are available) is suggested to be the real cause.[21][44]
  • For teenagers, credibility of adults is eroded when the dangers of the "gateway" drugs are exaggerated or made up, leading them to think all anti-drug messages are nonsense.[45]
  • The peer environments in which "gateway" drugs are used can sometimes overlap with the ones in which harder drugs are used, especially in societies that prohibit the substances or impose very high age limits.[45]
  • Due to the nature of their merchandise, dealers of the harder illicit drugs may be unwilling to reveal themselves to those unfamiliar with the "gateway" drugs.[citation needed
lol. chickened. To say marijuana impairs someone as much as alcohol is showing your ignorance to the subject. I never said I wanted my kids to use drugs, I don't. I'm merely saying that the reason marijuana is illegal has nothing to do with the safety or health of our society. It's all about money. Isn't everything? About kids using drugs younger, that's just the way it is. Kids are doing everything younger, sex, drugs, you name it. I'm not glorifying marijuana I'm just not scared of it like you. I know it's effects and in comparison to other bad things people could be doing I'd rather have a bunch of stoned people wandering/driving around town than a bunch of drunks.

Think about the laws around marijuana, chickened, the legislators have done nothing but loosen the penalties and restrictions around marijuana. It's just not worth the time and money to combat something that isn't as harmful to society as other mischievious activities.
What a load... Gateway my butt. Pot was everywhere in this county when I was young. It was the drug of choice cause booze was banned. About half of the kids I went to school with had tried it but only about 40 or so out of a school of 600 used it a lot. Cocaine an the other bad stuff was just movie props as far as we knew cause it was non existent here. 6 years as a firemen an I never saw any drug related deaths or sickness other that smoking tobacco an DUI. But when they cracked down on pot meth took over an the death toll has went threw the roof...

Just like when Prohibition banned beer the market filled with bathtub gin an killed lots of people. Bathtub gen went away when Budweiser was put back to work.

The gateway to bad drugs is preventing people from getting the not so bad ones.

I have seen both sides of the equation an I will take living in a community where pot is easy to get over people killing there selves with meth an crack cause they cant get pot.

CNBC did a good show on the real cost an reality of pot an the war on pot called "Marijuana USA", its on netflix for anyone that does not want to be an wants to know about reality...

I agree, i was a pot smoker befor i had kids and i never did other drugs nor did i want to, gateway is a state of mind imo.
I would much rather be around a person stoned than drunk anyday.

I do wished they made it legal to grow your own, just dumb to regulate such a good plant.

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