Drug test for welfare recipients

ND,..anyone that says you can SAFELY drive a vehicle while stoned is either:
a liar
Never really been stoned before
Or a pot head so they have a high tolerance to the drug
I agree, redhen, the only problem is people are doing it every single day anyways. It's a real issue and I think they will find a way to monitor it eventually but as it stands right now they aren't too sure.

Yeah if I had a dollar for every time someone said "I actually drive better stoned" I would have enough to buy myself dinner. Totally bogus. You can't ever compare sobriety to barely intoxicated.
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Maybe spend some of the money fighting it to devise a test? If we make it a priority by funding it, I'm sure our scientists can come up with something, even if it is not perfect or really convenient. But, like Kennedy wanting to put a man on the moon, it needs to be a priority and funded.
I think that is why the possession charge is so serious, law enforcement has a harder time proving drug intoxication before someone crashes or kills someone.
A wise women.

AND,..anyone that says you can SAFELY drive a vehicle while stoned is either:
a liar
Never really been stoned before
Or a pot head so they have a high tolerance to the drug
Rich people can afford pot ...easy peasy on that one. Why do you assume the poor are incapable of bettering themslves anyways?

When people abuse welfare money to buy cigarettes you are paying for it. You also pay for it's ill effects when you buy insurance and when that is taxpayer funded you will be paying for that also.

I think our differences are not so much fundamentally different as the fact that I am 48 and have experience in life and you by virtue have less of that. It sound just a ridiculous for you to tell me something you have no experience in as it would sound if I would tell someone that is 70 how the world works. You have no respect for your elders that is the only thing I see that really stumbles you, and you are not alone I was that way also.

As for Catlvr she opened that can of worms and put herself in with the wolves.

Well, I think it's a bad idea to start discounting people's opinions based on their age. While age can have something to do with attitudes and beliefs, it is only one of many factors that shape individual opinion (family, religion, media, government, etc.). I am closer to chickened's age and I can tell you its not really an age thing - young vs old. I think people have different mindsets, and the factors I mentioned are usually at play. So, I suggest that age be left out of it one both sides for the sake of getting to the real heart of the disagreement.
So if they legalize pot how will they monitor driving under the influence?
With alcohol they give you a breathalizer or blood draw..
So if someone gets stoned out of their gourd...and then gets behind the wheel and causes an accident and kills your kid..then what?
If pot is legal, its will already be in your urine and blood...and you could easily lie and say that you weren't stoned at the time of the accident...no proof,.. and no justice for the dead kid...

Ability impairment can be assessed via behavioral and cognitive tests -- the same sort of tests that police use now when they suspect someone is driving under the influence of alcohol. The breath-test measures how much alcohol is in a person's system, but impairment is judged by functioning. If someone fails these impairment tests, biochemical analysis can determine if the assessed impairment is due to a specific substance. But, from what I can remember, "driving while ability-impaired" (DWAI) is an offense that does not require the person to have a measured amount of a substance in their body that leads to the impairment. I think a person can get a DWAI from sleep deprivation if that is causing their driving abilities to be reduced, but I'm not sure.
I always believe in what you do to yourself does not matter to me. I think pot should be legal. The only argument to pot being a gateway drug that I can think of is the places that have to get it might also be selling other hardcore drugs. I have been around people while drunk (father and family) and I have been around people stoned (friends and family). The stoners are always the nicer and happier ones.
So if they legalize pot how will they monitor driving under the influence?
With alcohol they give you a breathalizer or blood draw..
So if someone gets stoned out of their gourd...and then gets behind the wheel and causes an accident and kills your kid..then what?
If pot is legal, its will already be in your urine and blood...and you could easily lie and say that you weren't stoned at the time of the accident...no proof,.. and no justice for the dead kid...

The breath test is not really used that much. They record you doing hand eye tests in view of the camera. The breath test is mostly used to back that up. If you refuse the test you automatically fail. Blood testing can tell if if your are high too but its mostly used as a back up if you fail the first test but don't smell of booze. Or if the person being tested was killed in a crash.

Just like you can tell if someone is drunk by smell, the eyes give pot smokers away.

By the way, a large % of the DUIs now come from proscription pill use.
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maybe we had some disagreements early on but rebelcowboysnb is spot on. I like to see your defense of the constitution. But I agree in the sense the breath test is just..like.. secondary evidence? I'm going to admit, and please don't crucify me, I got a DUI almost 6 years ago. Cop got behind me after the bar, I pulled over into a Chuck E. Cheese..(of all things) and I blew over the 0.08 limit. I did my program and had the charges dropped.. no tickets or anything since then.. but back to rebelcowboysnb's point. In my program where we learned about alcohol and practiced sobriety. There were several people who had blown a 0.04 or 0.06... beneath the 0.08 legal limit. I think it's a big misconception that if you are under 0.08 you are safe. The officer has the discretion on intoxicated drivers even if they are below the legal limit. Anyone can fall victim to that, I learned my lesson, if you plan to drink just plan on spending the night.
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