Drug test for welfare recipients

So we should do away with welfare, social security and the C.D.C. department of education, even the air force ?

I would think the CDC an the air force would fall under "defense" an be constitutional. Never really thought about how the Department of Education fit in.

Welfare needs to go, federally anyway. That should be handled at the state level as each state sees fit.

SSI on the other hand is a bit of a issue. We are under contract to pay people because they payed in. If we cut it completely we would have to find the money to pay all those people back. If we keep it, let people opt out an go private the money going out still has to come from somewhere so taxes taxes have to go up to replace the loss of the money from the people that opted out. They would not only be paying for there private option SS but also paying the government SS under the cover of higher taxes. That means they are paying twice with zero benefits earned from the government side.

An thats not even taking in to account SSDI
Ability impairment can be assessed via behavioral and cognitive tests -- the same sort of tests that police use now when they suspect someone is driving under the influence of alcohol. The breath-test measures how much alcohol is in a person's system, but impairment is judged by functioning. If someone fails these impairment tests, biochemical analysis can determine if the assessed impairment is due to a specific substance. But, from what I can remember, "driving while ability-impaired" (DWAI) is an offense that does not require the person to have a measured amount of a substance in their body that leads to the impairment. I think a person can get a DWAI from sleep deprivation if that is causing their driving abilities to be reduced, but I'm not sure.

My concern with that is,..
If there is an accident,.. with said stoner,.. and BOTH drivers were injured..they wouldnt be able do a behavior/cognitive test on them at the scene of the accident.(depending on how serious the accident/injuries are..) And if they did do the test... the test wouldnt really be "accurate", because of injures(maybe they smacked their head into the windshield?).. shock,..blood loss,. etc.. etc...
In such a situation with alcohol, they would do a BAC blood draw in the ER.. and would know if the driver was indeed driving under the influence of alcohol..
If pot is legal,... and you smoked yesterday... how could they accurately test you for that?,.. because pot stays in the system for quite a while...
This is what confuses me,.. how can they accurately PROVE(beyond a shadow of doubt) you were stoned or NOT at the time of the accident...
I would think the CDC an the air force would fall under "defense" an be constitutional. Never really thought about how the Department of Education fit in.

Welfare needs to go, federally anyway. That should be handled at the state level as each state sees fit.

SSI on the other hand is a bit of a issue. We are under contract to pay people because they payed in. If we cut it completely we would have to find the money to pay all those people back. If we keep it, let people opt out an go private the money going out still has to come from somewhere so taxes taxes have to go up to replace the loss of the money from the people that opted out. They would not only be paying for there private option SS but also paying the government SS under the cover of higher taxes. That means they are paying twice with zero benefits earned from the government side.

An thats not even taking in to account SSDI
Well they say army and then they say navy but nowhere do they say air force. I don't know why they would leave it out ?
If you put the C.D.C. under defense why is it not run by the army ?
Does the Constitution say anything about education ?
Or the U.S. botanic garden ? Unit
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The lack of plains in the 1700s may be why it was left out...

The CDC is in the executive branch of the government an works directly for the President who is the commander an chief of the army. So the CDC does actually report to the head of the army.

I don't think education is brought up at all which means it was meant to be handled by the states or privately..
Pot does stay in the system for a long time but a blood test can tell if you smoked an hour ago or 2 days ago

How would a blood test do that ? It can only say if pot is there and how much, but if you smoked a ton 3 days ago you could still have as much as someone that smoked a little 2 hours ago. So you would need a point that you can not drive if you have a certain amount in your system just like booze.
And you will still get the case of one person an handle some and another can handle more or less.

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