Drug test for welfare recipients

Welfare fraud is not that hard to detect. Big house, expensive car, lots of kids from multiple donors,... no job.

Look at Rodney King, he got 3.7 million in a settlement and it led him to drug abuse and suicide, he was broke within 5 years, he had no knowledge or ability of how to manage wealth.
Welfare fraud is not that hard to detect. Big house, expensive car, lots of kids from multiple donors,... no job.

Look at Rodney King, he got 3.7 million in a settlement and it led him to drug abuse and suicide, he was broke within 5 years, he had no knowledge or ability of how to manage wealth.

I understand your generalizations. I should have stated that the software would be easier than sending out social worker detectives.
Call me heartless. Call me young and ignorant, Greedy. Whatever.

I work hard for my paycheck. And I deeply resent all the little fingers I find in it.

I deeply resent that I am forced to pay out my nose into social security, and that when my time comes to retire, there will be no social security there for me to use. Why? Walk into any SSI office anywhere. What will you see? Go ahead. Take a look.

Do any of those people look retired or diabled to you? Do you see even ONE elderly person? I don't. I see a group of people taking advantage of a system on my dime. Do I resent that? You bet your *** I do. And if you think that your local SSI office will be any different, think again.

I don't want a reform for welfare and social security. I want it gone. Sometimes, what's best for the species as a whole is to weed out the individuals that threaten the lives and stability of the majority. They will either learn to swim or they will drown. But either way, our society as a whole would benefit.

Is that realistic? Of course not. That will never happen. And yes, if welfare and SS benefits were done away with, a lot of people would likely become homeless. But the way I see it, if you have earned nothing, then it makes sense that you have nothing. Getting a job is a more complicated and difficult thing than it used to be. But it is still possible. If it's your choice to sit on your arse instead of working or trying to work, then it's my choice to let you starve. I don't know about Mao or Marx, but one place I have read that is the BIBLE.


Now before the wolves set in I feel I should qualify that I have no issue with helping those who are truly in need at no fault of their own. I just have no tolerance for those who would take advantage of that.
I didn't know you can see mental illness, mental retardation, lupus, AIDS, a broken back.....................my best friend has MD, and you can't tell unless she is her wheelchair.

SSI was initially given for disabled children because families were dropping off so many kids at orphanages.
Call me heartless. Call me young and ignorant, Greedy. Whatever.

I work hard for my paycheck. And I deeply resent all the little fingers I find in it.

I deeply resent that I am forced to pay out my nose into social security, and that when my time comes to retire, there will be no social security there for me to use. Why? Walk into any SSI office anywhere. What will you see? Go ahead. Take a look.

Do any of those people look retired or diabled to you? Do you see even ONE elderly person? I don't. I see a group of people taking advantage of a system on my dime. Do I resent that? You bet your *** I do. And if you think that your local SSI office will be any different, think again.

I don't want a reform for welfare and social security. I want it gone. Sometimes, what's best for the species as a whole is to weed out the individuals that threaten the lives and stability of the majority. They will either learn to swim or they will drown. But either way, our society as a whole would benefit.

Is that realistic? Of course not. That will never happen. And yes, if welfare and SS benefits were done away with, a lot of people would likely become homeless. But the way I see it, if you have earned nothing, then it makes sense that you have nothing. Getting a job is a more complicated and difficult thing than it used to be. But it is still possible. If it's your choice to sit on your arse instead of working or trying to work, then it's my choice to let you starve. I don't know about Mao or Marx, but one place I have read that is the BIBLE.

Now before the wolves set in I feel I should qualify that I have no issue with helping those who are truly in need at no fault of their own. I just have no tolerance for those who would take advantage of that.

Thief, I hope you are talking about the "welfare career minded" people...those people really need to get that cycle broken.

To collect SS, you have to work at least ten years before you can go on SSD/SSI. Unless you were born handicapped or injured on certain grounds and military.

What ****** me off ROYALLY are the ones that think we "owe" them simply because they didn't asked to be in this country to begin with. Slavery and indentured servants are LONG gone, get over it! Now you are in this country by your forefathers, go out and labor like the rest of our citizens have been doing. Might be a while before you can get comfortable wages but you will get there.

Hope they will enforce it!
Thief, I hope you are talking about the "welfare career minded" people...those people really need to get that cycle broken.

To collect SS, you have to work at least ten years before you can go on SSD/SSI. Unless you were born handicapped or injured on certain grounds and military.

What ****** me off ROYALLY are the ones that think we "owe" them simply because they didn't asked to be in this country to begin with. Slavery and indentured servants are LONG gone, get over it! Now you are in this country by your forefathers, go out and labor like the rest of our citizens have been doing. Might be a while before you can get comfortable wages but you will get there.

Hope they will enforce it!

Aboslutely Ewe. At the end of my post I specified that people who are truly in need and are doing their best to get back on their feet absolutely should be helped. It's the masses of people who take advantage and eventually come to the conclusion that society owes that check to them that make me wish we would just pull the plug on the program.
Thief, I hope you are talking about the "welfare career minded" people...those people really need to get that cycle broken.

To collect SS, you have to work at least ten years before you can go on SSD/SSI. Unless you were born handicapped or injured on certain grounds and military.

What ****** me off ROYALLY are the ones that think we "owe" them simply because they didn't asked to be in this country to begin with. Slavery and indentured servants are LONG gone, get over it! Now you are in this country by your forefathers, go out and labor like the rest of our citizens have been doing. Might be a while before you can get comfortable wages but you will get there.

Hope they will enforce it!



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