Drug test for welfare recipients

My mother worked at the Department of Human Resources for over 25 years. She interviewed clients for "food-stamps", a very depressing job. Some days she would come home crying...knowing that she had to approve fraudulent paperwork (by law) for someone she had seen for years and just refused to work and over those years added a child per year, the client knowing the more children you have the more food stamps you get. Then she would have to turn around and turn someone down that truly needed the help all because some of the paperwork was not in order (because they just needed a little help and used to filling out the paperwork month after month, year after year; not a lifer).
One lady begged my mother to take her children home (my mother cried for days) with her because the ladies husband had left her and 2 children, turned of the electric and water, she had no money no food. She was feeding her children popcorn and stole water from the neighbors til she could get help and then she was turned down, once again because the paperwork.....but not for the lifers that know how to work the system, their paperwork was always in order.
The system is broke and needs fixing. I too realize that I pay into a system that will not help me later in life....I find that disheartening and depressing. But what upsets me most is that other people (common everyday people/voters) think they have the right to give my money away to programs that do not work as they were intended. Fix it or do away with it!! Simple enough. Those in the system for more then 3 years get booted. That's 3 years to get a job, anyone can find a job in 3 years, etc...that's fair!
Chickenthief - I hear you, you are not alone and I think you are just being realistic. I'm not one of those that thinks everyone needs a trophy or a free ride!!
My mother worked at the Department of Human Resources for over 25 years. She interviewed clients for "food-stamps", a very depressing job. Some days she would come home crying...knowing that she had to approve fraudulent paperwork (by law) for someone she had seen for years and just refused to work and over those years added a child per year, the client knowing the more children you have the more food stamps you get. Then she would have to turn around and turn someone down that truly needed the help all because some of the paperwork was not in order (because they just needed a little help and used to filling out the paperwork month after month, year after year; not a lifer).
One lady begged my mother to take her children home (my mother cried for days) with her because the ladies husband had left her and 2 children, turned of the electric and water, she had no money no food. She was feeding her children popcorn and stole water from the neighbors til she could get help and then she was turned down, once again because the paperwork.....but not for the lifers that know how to work the system, their paperwork was always in order.
The system is broke and needs fixing. I too realize that I pay into a system that will not help me later in life....I find that disheartening and depressing. But what upsets me most is that other people (common everyday people/voters) think they have the right to give my money away to programs that do not work as they were intended. Fix it or do away with it!! Simple enough. Those in the system for more then 3 years get booted. That's 3 years to get a job, anyone can find a job in 3 years, etc...that's fair!
Chickenthief - I hear you, you are not alone and I think you are just being realistic. I'm not one of those that thinks everyone needs a trophy or a free ride!!

Amen sister. Well said.
Call me heartless. Call me young and ignorant, Greedy. Whatever.

I work hard for my paycheck. And I deeply resent all the little fingers I find in it.

I deeply resent that I am forced to pay out my nose into social security, and that when my time comes to retire, there will be no social security there for me to use. Why? Walk into any SSI office anywhere. What will you see? Go ahead. Take a look.
You do know that SSI is not funded from your social security fund don't you ?

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For the Senate 51 people voting for something is 51%, the House is another story altogether. I don't agree that the Supreme Court is "elected" by the Senate. They can vote not to confirm, but they don't get to nominate, or select in any other way who goes onto the court. It is a simple yes/no vote for confirmation.

I hear a lot of people saying they don't have a good choice in some elections. They say they end up voting for the less of two bad guys Because they have no other choice. But with the Supreme Court if you don't like the person you vote to not confirm till you get to someone you like. I don't see the bad side.

Call me heartless. Call me young and ignorant, Greedy. Whatever.

I work hard for my paycheck. And I deeply resent all the little fingers I find in it.

I deeply resent that I am forced to pay out my nose into social security, and that when my time comes to retire, there will be no social security there for me to use. Why? Walk into any SSI office anywhere. What will you see? Go ahead. Take a look.

Do any of those people look retired or diabled to you? Do you see even ONE elderly person? I don't. I see a group of people taking advantage of a system on my dime. Do I resent that? You bet your *** I do. And if you think that your local SSI office will be any different, think again.

I don't want a reform for welfare and social security. I want it gone. Sometimes, what's best for the species as a whole is to weed out the individuals that threaten the lives and stability of the majority. They will either learn to swim or they will drown. But either way, our society as a whole would benefit.

Is that realistic? Of course not. That will never happen. And yes, if welfare and SS benefits were done away with, a lot of people would likely become homeless. But the way I see it, if you have earned nothing, then it makes sense that you have nothing. Getting a job is a more complicated and difficult thing than it used to be. But it is still possible. If it's your choice to sit on your arse instead of working or trying to work, then it's my choice to let you starve. I don't know about Mao or Marx, but one place I have read that is the BIBLE.

Now before the wolves set in I feel I should qualify that I have no issue with helping those who are truly in need at no fault of their own. I just have no tolerance for those who would take advantage of that.
could not of said it better myself!
This is not exactly ACCURATE....but....it is TRUE that the Soc. Sec. System has been RAIDED and become a PART of the "Welfare System"...to SOME EXTENT......which threatens the Soc. Sec. System that most of us "retirees" paid INTO our ENTIRE WORKING LIVES ( I'm retired/disabled age 64.....I paid-in since I was 13 years old. )

It WAS a reasonable AND "Actuarially Sound" System -----Once-Upon-A-Time.

THE Curmudgeon
This is not exactly ACCURATE....but....it is TRUE that the Soc. Sec. System has been RAIDED and become a PART of the "Welfare System"...to SOME EXTENT......which threatens the Soc. Sec. System that most of us "retirees" paid INTO our ENTIRE WORKING LIVES ( I'm retired/disabled age 64.....I paid-in since I was 13 years old. )

It WAS a reasonable AND "Actuarially Sound" System -----Once-Upon-A-Time.

THE Curmudgeon

SSI doesn't come from Social Security funds and has no effect on the S.S. trust fund that you and I have payed into for these many years.

I was at the store this weekend,..there was a lady in line ahead of me that was pitching a fit because the FREE milk she was getting wasnt the kind that she wanted. I guess her voucher was for 1% milk or something..and she wanted 2% or whole.. the cashier refused to let the transaction go through because she wasnt purchasing the correct milk on the voucher.
The manager had to be called... then the lady finally said, "Fine! Go get me the other milk then... but i'm just going to throw it away.." So this stupid manager made us wait while she went and did the skanks bidding.. went and got her the other milk.. and the lady was still saying the whole while.."i'm just going to thorw it away because we dont drink this kind of milk.."
The manager said i cant give you the other kind,,its not on the voucher here.."whatever, when i get outside i'm just going to throw it away.."
Took everything in me to not rip her hair out.. :lol:
Darn ghetto scum bags..
And THATS what we have created here with all these handouts to lazy, no-good ghetto trash.
Oh and she had 2 kids with her seeing all this.. the next generation of welfare abusers. The cycle continues.. :he

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