Drug test for welfare recipients

I was at the store this weekend,..there was a lady in line ahead of me that was pitching a fit because the FREE milk she was getting wasnt the kind that she wanted. I guess her voucher was for 1% milk or something..and she wanted 2% or whole.. the cashier refused to let the transaction go through because she wasnt purchasing the correct milk on the voucher.
The manager had to be called... then the lady finally said, "Fine! Go get me the other milk then... but i'm just going to throw it away.." So this stupid manager made us wait while she went and did the skanks bidding.. went and got her the other milk.. and the lady was still saying the whole while.."i'm just going to thorw it away because we dont drink this kind of milk.."
The manager said i cant give you the other kind,,its not on the voucher here.."whatever, when i get outside i'm just going to throw it away.."
Took everything in me to not rip her hair out..

Darn ghetto scum bags..
And THATS what we have created here with all these handouts to lazy, no-good ghetto trash.
Oh and she had 2 kids with her seeing all this.. the next generation of welfare abusers. The cycle continues..

Its a branding thing not type.. FYI if you are in a state that allows returns of contaners for money an you catch someone throwing out new product bought with food stamps that is a federal crime that they will convict for..
Yeah,.. not all are like that. Many really need the help, and i respect that. Its fair.
.. but SO many more are like that lady. And it goes on generation after generation...
I was at the store this weekend,..there was a lady in line ahead of me that was pitching a fit because the FREE milk she was getting wasnt the kind that she wanted. I guess her voucher was for 1% milk or something..and she wanted 2% or whole.. the cashier refused to let the transaction go through because she wasnt purchasing the correct milk on the voucher.
The manager had to be called... then the lady finally said, "Fine! Go get me the other milk then... but i'm just going to throw it away.." So this stupid manager made us wait while she went and did the skanks bidding.. went and got her the other milk.. and the lady was still saying the whole while.."i'm just going to thorw it away because we dont drink this kind of milk.."
The manager said i cant give you the other kind,,its not on the voucher here.."whatever, when i get outside i'm just going to throw it away.."
Took everything in me to not rip her hair out..

Darn ghetto scum bags..
And THATS what we have created here with all these handouts to lazy, no-good ghetto trash.
Oh and she had 2 kids with her seeing all this.. the next generation of welfare abusers. The cycle continues..
Red, can you be a little more specific?
This is not exactly ACCURATE....but....it is TRUE that the Soc. Sec. System has been RAIDED and become a PART of the "Welfare System"...to SOME EXTENT......which threatens the Soc. Sec. System that most of us "retirees" paid INTO our ENTIRE WORKING LIVES ( I'm retired/disabled age 64.....I paid-in since I was 13 years old. )

It WAS a reasonable AND "Actuarially Sound" System -----Once-Upon-A-Time.

THE Curmudgeon

Thank you Curmudgeon. Couldn't have said it any better myself. It's a proven fact that if things continue as they are, people in my generation with have NO social security when it comes time for us to retire. Regardless of the countless thousands we will have poured into it by that time. It will be dried up. Gone.


By 2023 it will be "exhausted". By the time I retire in 2050? It will be a thing of the past.

I was at the store this weekend,..there was a lady in line ahead of me that was pitching a fit because the FREE milk she was getting wasnt the kind that she wanted. I guess her voucher was for 1% milk or something..and she wanted 2% or whole.. the cashier refused to let the transaction go through because she wasnt purchasing the correct milk on the voucher.
The manager had to be called... then the lady finally said, "Fine! Go get me the other milk then... but i'm just going to throw it away.." So this stupid manager made us wait while she went and did the skanks bidding.. went and got her the other milk.. and the lady was still saying the whole while.."i'm just going to thorw it away because we dont drink this kind of milk.."
The manager said i cant give you the other kind,,its not on the voucher here.."whatever, when i get outside i'm just going to throw it away.."
Took everything in me to not rip her hair out..

Darn ghetto scum bags..
And THATS what we have created here with all these handouts to lazy, no-good ghetto trash.
Oh and she had 2 kids with her seeing all this.. the next generation of welfare abusers. The cycle continues..

I witness that exact B.S. crap every single time I go grocery shopping. It's sickening.

I have also seen a man and his son at a post office. At first it looked pretty normal. Holding hands walking across the parking lot, the man dropped a letter into the dropbox. Then the little boy spoke up...

Son: Daddy, is this your job?
Dad: Yes it is! You see, I drop this letter in this box, and the government sends me free money!

Yeah,.. not all are like that. Many really need the help, and i respect that. Its fair.
.. but SO many more are like that lady. And it goes on generation after generation...

It is funny (not really) about the generational thing you mention to the fact it is so true. Growing up (bear in mind I am one click from 5-0) there was a family on the next street over from my house that was on welfare, which is fine. But the parents divorced just so the woman could get welfare benefits for her 5 daughters but the husband still lived there and had a full time job.Checking fraud back then wasn't a for-thought kind of like today. I went to school with one of them as the oldest daughter became an unwed mother, big deal back then but as you can figure went on welfare. This concept cascaded from daughter to daughter. Fast forward to this past fall, I was reading an article about the Supreme Court hearing arguments about health care and in the article there was a woman who had tickets to that said hearing. She said all Americans should get FREE health care. When I looked at the woman's name, it was the same name of the family that had been on welfare all from the same town. Deductive reasoning would lead me to believe that she was related to the family just a couple generations removed. The town is small and has no room for any real expansion as far as residents or development. When you are given everything for FREE in life, it is easy to say everyone should get free health care. She has not a clue that someone has to pay for it, but certainly not her.

Being in Mass. I really don't need to explain it to you I know but had to throw my two cents in before its taken away from me and given to somebody else who didn't earn it.
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Yes drug testing should be mandatory.

I speak from personal experience over the last few years.

First was my cousin who was on welfare getting the whole nine yards... She was smoking cigarettes, drinking booze and smoking pot while pregnant with her twins, the father left.
Both twins were BORN addicted to pot!!!! one sadly passed away after 3 surgeries attempting to correct the defects caused by her use of the above stated items.... The other twin survived but is very much like a ghost, nervous and scared to death of everything.

Yes she finally turned things around.... after the 3rd pregnancy and a VERY good man took her in hand and set her right, I truly do not think she could have done it on her own.

Second was a next door neighbor to my Grandmother... it was a family on welfare with the whole entitlement mentality.... None of them worked..... not the whole time I was growing up. Only one of the kids moved out of the welfare system, again because of a GOOD man who truly helped....

Third was a neighbor of mine... Husband on disability, wife on welfare.... and the sat OUTSIDE on the porch and drank and smoked pot.... but always whined about not having enough money.... they lost the house to foreclosure.

I work to support them, I get drug tested. Why can't they do the same for the free money they get?
Florida tried this and they are actually losing money on it. They found people on welfare aren't any more likely to be on drugs than other people. The cost of drug testing was outweighing the money saved by weeding out the drug abusers. It was something like 97% of people on welfare tested in Florida were passing the drug tests. It's a nice idea, and it sucks people will abuse the system, but if the entire purpose for the bill was to save money it has proven it does not work.
Excellent post, cupman. Facts outweigh anecdotal stories. Dark Unicorn, if you knew your cousin was using, endangering children you could have called the police to report it, called social services to report it, or called the welfare office to report it so they could do a drug test based on actual behavior rather than on incorrect stereotypes.

Florida reimburses for negative result drug tests, which is why it is losing taxpayer money. Drug use is illegal, so use the system that exists instead of inventing another stupid boondoggle money waster program that directly benefits governor cronies and friends while by wasting tax dollars.
Folks, i have to say to say I come to BYC for the open welcome and the lack of judgement about others that is splitting our society.

I have a different opinion now affter reading some of these baseless, hate filled, derogatory posts, and watched favt be ignored because it contradicts an existing bias.

Some of you are really good at pretending you are nice people :(:(:(

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