Drug test for welfare recipients

The drug testing is not just to catch a drug addict. It is a form of a deterrent. People that cheat on welfare will figure out a way to cheat a drug test.

Not all drug addicts are on welfare some manage gainful employment. The premise here is to end or curtail welfare fraud and drug testing coupled with other tactics is just another tool needed and used.

When building a home you don't do it all with a hammer and handsaw but it can be done and the same goes for catching abusers of welfare. The threat of random testing will deter how much we really cannot measure unless we enforce.

What really is being done with the idea of drug testing is an attempt to make irresponsible people responsible.

I think mandatory labor is the way to go. If you are forced to work then working for welfare would get old and you may be inspired to get a better paying job if you are going to have to work either way.

The CCC and WPA at least required that you work and received skills.
Folks, i have to say to say I come to BYC for the open welcome and the lack of judgement about others that is splitting our society.
I have a different opinion now affter reading some of these baseless, hate filled, derogatory posts, and watched favt be ignored because it contradicts an existing bias.
Some of you are really good at pretending you are nice people
Speaking of facts did you pick up on the fact that pretty much everyone on here is referring to the abusers of the system and a means to stop it? Not all who are on welfare are abusers. You are not defending those people are you?
Folks, i have to say to say I come to BYC for the open welcome and the lack of judgement about others that is splitting our society.
I have a different opinion now affter reading some of these baseless, hate filled, derogatory posts, and watched favt be ignored because it contradicts an existing bias.
Some of you are really good at pretending you are nice people
Hi Kiki...I am afraid to say that you have gotten it just right, and regrettably so. You will find this to be true on every thread that has any political connotations or that involve minorities. The iased opinions come out and some of them are almost breath taking in their ignorance. The most amazing thing is that the ones that post the worst of the opinions actually fiercly believe that most of the people on BYC think just like them.
Some states are enforcing welfare to last three years. I think they should use welfare, case by case and how strong the needs of the families really needing it and while others abuse it.

I was once on welfare when I lost my job, found out I was pregnant and went to food banks because most of the time, I was anywhere from three dollars to 30 dollars too much for food stamps. It makes me appreciate the help I had and two years ago, we were able to get off of welfare with hubby's job that pays good, have insurance and the only thing I didn't drop was daughter's Medicaid assistance which we had to pay premiums with it.

Now hubby is going to be laid off and COBRA is way too high for our salary ($3500 a month!), and not knowing when a job like that will come up if he does not find a similar job, we will be forced to go back on welfare. UGH! I would be more than happy to take the drug tests!

  1. The smaller number or part, esp. a number that is less than half the whole number

The U.S. government is the one who coined the word minority in the current context. It was done to divide or segregate a segment of the population, something technically illegal. Segregation in the South was made illegal by the government yet the government does it everyday by viewing each ethnicity as a seperate entity.

I would be considered a minority in Mexico.

Try looking at people as humans not ethnically.
Hi Kiki...I am afraid to say that you have gotten it just right, and regrettably so. You will find this to be true on every thread that has any political connotations or that involve minorities. The iased opinions come out and some of them are almost breath taking in their ignorance. The most amazing thing is that the ones that post the worst of the opinions actually fiercly believe that most of the people on BYC think just like them.
Don, were all minorities given the right geographic location.
I've been lurking here from the get-go, and I'm still confused! "Welfare" seems to be a catch-all term. Unemployment compensation varies state by state in the U.S., but it is a system that your employer pays into for each worker. Here in SC, it lasts for 26 weeks and is a per cent of what you have earned over 5 quarters. When the recession hit, the feds extended benefits up to 2 years.
So the first part is not welfare (in my feeling), but the latter part is. But it is for a set time that has now been reduced.
Social Security/Medicare is a system that both the employee and the employer pay into and is deducted from your check each pay period. Payments to you are based on your earnings during your working years. Again, by my feelings, this is not welfare, it's earned by the individual by working.
Food stamps,WIC and medicade are systems that the feds provide, supposedly based on need. This is welfare and is abused by many!
That said, I realize that people abuse all of the above. Unemployment checks go to people working under the table for cash, folks stealing social security checks, etc. And yes, the system needs to be reworked in many ways. But rather than write on a forum, contact your reps in Washington and state legislative and make it happen!
I've been lurking here from the get-go, and I'm still confused! "Welfare" seems to be a catch-all term. Unemployment compensation varies state by state in the U.S., but it is a system that your employer pays into for each worker. Here in SC, it lasts for 26 weeks and is a per cent of what you have earned over 5 quarters. When the recession hit, the feds extended benefits up to 2 years.
So the first part is not welfare (in my feeling), but the latter part is. But it is for a set time that has now been reduced.
Social Security/Medicare is a system that both the employee and the employer pay into and is deducted from your check each pay period. Payments to you are based on your earnings during your working years. Again, by my feelings, this is not welfare, it's earned by the individual by working.
Food stamps,WIC and medicade are systems that the feds provide, supposedly based on need. This is welfare and is abused by many!
That said, I realize that people abuse all of the above. Unemployment checks go to people working under the table for cash, folks stealing social security checks, etc. And yes, the system needs to be reworked in many ways. But rather than write on a forum, contact your reps in Washington and state legislative and make it happen!

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