They eat withen 24 hours of absorbing their yolks most of the time. Ditto drinks. I think one spray is enough.

Your going to have a very spoiled baby duck!

Our last batch loved swimming in the tub once a week. I'd wash it real good after...we use chlorox.

These were 3 white pekin and 3 Khaki Campbells
They eat withen 24 hours of absorbing their yolks most of the time. Ditto drinks. I think one spray is enough.

Your going to have a very spoiled baby duck!

Our last batch loved swimming in the tub once a week. I'd wash it real good after...we use chlorox.

These were 3 white pekin and 3 Khaki Campbells

Indeed my duckie has started eating something! just a little bit but for me its a BIG step!
Your ducklings a lovely!

Here he/she is <3 <3

What do you think is it a female or a male?

It got very active and is eating and pooping around happily! It even jumped at me cheeping !! I am soo in love... Do you think it will survive?

Here he/she is <3 <3

What do you think is it a female or a male?

It got very active and is eating and pooping around happily! It even jumped at me cheeping !! I am soo in love... Do you think it will survive?
it looks great! as normal as you'd hope!! they live 2 or 3 days on the yolk they absorb during hatching....they don't really need to eat yet but will a little kind of learning about ducks swim every day I used a little food storage container for in to climb into...they don't have the oils in the feathers that keep them afloat so you don't want the water deeper than they can stand in...and of course keep it nice and warm for several weeks... keep posting pictures...loving them!! your baby is adorable...since it's the only one you two will be very close. I sit to watch television and hold my baby's in a towel

you may not know water sex it is for several months...I had 4 all together so I could tell which ones had the deeper voices and which had higher girl voices...
That baby looks great. You might want to be sure and use non-slip stuff under him, if his legs start to splay out, get some quick! (I use the shelf liner stuff, cheap and washable)

He might like a buddy - another baby duck, goose, or chick would help loads when he gets loud and lonely. If he gets messy, PM me and I'll explain how to make milk carton waterers for baby ducks - it helps loads on the everything wet mess they create. Cute, but very dirty.
Oh yeah, you can voice sex (quack of girl vs odd muffled wonk of boys) at about 3-4 months. By 6 months, boys will have a curly feather on their tails, very clearly one or two curls, girls will all have mostly straight w/0 the clear curly feather.
Thank you for your reply!
My duckie is doing well so far. Eats, poops, cheeps and sleeps !
For the water I used a plastic box with the lid on and i cut a hole in it.. i added some marbles just to be sure! I change the water every 6 hours or so.. just to be super sure its clean!
I use Towels for the bedding and it walks pretty good on it! Sometimes it falls around because it is clumsy but everything looks pretty ok for now.
I was thinking about getting another one .. but for now I want to see if he makes it until about 2 weeks and if so, I will get another duckling so he wont be alone :)
Here are some picutres!

And a video!

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