Duck Breed Focus - Ancona

I also breed and raise Ancona Call Ducks.

These are pure calls, some are a little larger bodied and have longer bills, but with the ancona pattern. I am working on size and conformation to get them smaller and more to the call duck body standard. So I usually have "culls" for sale if anyone wants some.

Here are some pics of my breeders and some of this years babies

If anyone is looking to raise these to help the breed, I would suggest doing extensive research before buying. There are many "breeders" who are actually cross breeding (resulting offspring can look like anconas but genetically are not pure) and selling as pure. Which does NOT help this breed since there are enough bloodlines of them where cross breeding is no longer necessary to improve and help the breed along.

How would I know for sure?
I love mine. And I'm loving these pics! I'll try to add some pics later. I don't have any papers or anything on mine though. Is there away to have them tested @learycow ?

I bought a set of 6 Ancona Eggs off ebay 2 months ago and they all hatched and are growing great. I love them, they are really sweet ducks and they mingle with the other group of ducks well enough that they are starting to merge into one group now. Their colors are amazing!
@Doctorbeer wonderful pictures, it's fun to see the different markings on them. Congrats on a great hatch!










I also am a small breeder of Ancona ducks. I absolutely love the breed and all the patterns and colors. We have black, blue, chocolate, and lavender in our breeding stock but we will be producing all possible colors this following year. I have been breeding ours for size, laying ability, color/pattern, temperment, and foraging ability. We get an assortment of egg colors also ranging from green, blue, white, and even black/grey eggs. They have been an awesome adventure here as we continue to improve each and every year on markings and consistency in size. Again, I absolutely LOVE Anconas! I will help anyone out with this breed at anytime. Feel free to PM me or @learycow! We both love the breed and to talk all things ancona!
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Here an additional picture of eggs from our ancona. Everything left of the brown eggs are ancona. They are all eggs from this year's ducks that are just starting to lay so right now they aren't much bigger than a chicken egg but by spring they'll be huge!
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