Duck breed please, I got these 3 beauties from TSC today, and would like to know their breeed. TIA


13 Years
Apr 28, 2010
Are they walking upright too, or just standing? My ducklings / ducks will stand tall sometimes, that they almost look like runners, but then they start walking, and they lower down again.
Are they walking upright too, or just standing? My ducklings / ducks will stand tall sometimes, that they almost look like runners, but then they start walking, and they lower down again.
I put on on the ground and it stood up straight, and seemed to walk like a runner, I have a feeling you may be right, bc they look like pics of magpies more than anything. Time will tell!
I am almost positive those are Anconas. TSC gets their chicks from Hoovers, and they don't carry Magpies. We bought two almost identical to yours, and a chocolate muscovy. They are also developing their quack and adult metalics on their feathers.

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