Duck breeds and egg production

Ryan Wiemken

In the Brooder
Nov 15, 2017
Rouen 35-125
Aylsebury 35-120
Saxony 190-240
Appleyard 220-265
Muscovy 160-195
Pekin 140-210

Buff 150-220
Swedish 100-150
Cayuga 100-150
Crested 100-130

Light Runner 150-300
Campbell 170-215
Magpie 220-290
Welsh Harlequin 260-350

Call 20-80
East Indie 40-100

This is not a complete or 100% accurate index; several breeds are missing-Dutch hookbill, mallard, and others. All egg production is based on different websites that I could find data on birds. Some egg productions such as the Welsh seem high in my opinion. Any questions on Rouens, pekins, calls, campbells, crested, muscovies, or runners, I can try to answer because I have raised them all. Also any additional input on certain breed egg production or breeds left out is much appreciated.
Thanks for this! I had no idea that the appleyard laid that many!
Like I said, the numbers are not 100% accurate due to the nature of some of the websites, I collected data from. But you are totally right, that is a lot of production for a heavy duck. Just wanted to post this because the data that is accurate is better in my opinion than just a site saying high, low, or medium egg production.

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