Duck friendship?

The Duck Dad

Nov 7, 2020
Oconomowoc Wisconsin
So I have a hen wood duck, a hen mallard, and a drake mallard. The mallards are inseparable. every time I take one farther than 6 feet away, they start panic-quacking. The hen mallard never liked my wood duck, but last night something amazing happened- they all slept together. I put them all in one cage last night (I have two 4x2' houses), and as usual, the mallard hen chased my little woodie around until she (the wood duck) went into the nesting box where she sleeps. it is a little wooden box in the corner that I have elevated off the floor. Peter my hen wood duck, usually nests below her box and sleeps in the box. Well, peter went up top and the two mallards were on the bottom. When I woke up though, Peter was GONE! turns out she was actually snuggled between the two mallards!!!!! Now they are in their pond and they all seem like friends rather than hating each other. (Peter and my Mallards) Well, that was it. I thought it was amazing to see them as friends.

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