Duck has problems with walking...?

I bought the ducks in the early March of 2015,The niacin is flush free capsules, the vitamin are Poly-Vi-Sol
The niacin should be plain not flush free did you get Poly vi sol with out iron they can't have iron either. I haven't ever used poly vi sol so lets see if we can get @Lacrystol here for right amount to give I believe she has used this vitamin
The niacin should be plain not flush free  did you get Poly vi sol with out iron they can't have iron either.  I haven't ever used poly vi sol so lets see if we can get @Lacrystol
   here for right amount to give I believe she has used this vitamin 

Well my first question would be why are we giving them anything? At almost a year old it's not necessary unless they are showing some sort of sign of definance. The right kind of food should have al they need.

Second polyvisol needs to be without iron because to much iron can cause problems.

Then we need to know what kinds of ducks we are dealing with.

Then we need to analysis the food to see what the protein count is as well as the calcium count.

Maybe I need to read back a little more perhaps that will tell me why we are giving them vitamin supplements.
Ok, Lets see not sure which person still has a duck issue but lets try this:

First: Don't put oyster shells down unless you have chickens, if you do, then keep the oyster shells in a spot where the chickens can get it on NOT so much for ducks. Ducks only need 4% OR less of calcuim so check to see what is the MAX percentage of calcuim is in your feed.

Second: NO need to give scratch, this is Nothing in scratch that is good for a chicken or a DUCK, scratch should be considered a treat. However, if you insist on giving them scratch one a week during the winter months would be recommended. This will help them gain some fat and the fat should get them threw the winter, but again, Its NOT necessary.

Third: check the protein count in your feed, anything around 15% to 20% is good. you don't want to go to high because Ducks do dig a lot for Bugs, Worms etc and there's a LOT of protein in these insects or ready.

Four" Polyvisol, Chickens do GREAT with this stuff, not so much with ducks. My favorite is Poultry Drench, I have seen great results using this Versus polyvisol WITHOUT IRON for ducks. Now Polyvisol without iron is GREAT for chickens. I have seen better results on chicken versus giving a chicken poultry drench.

Now you also want to keep an eye on there poop, poop can actually tell you a lot, one if they have worms, two if they are intaking to much iron, IRON btw can harm or even cause death if giving to much. and it can tell you if the duck has eating something that it shouldn't have.

With leg issues it's hard to narrow down one problem to resolve, first the Leg should be Well examined. Analysising your flock is a good way to start, do you have to many boys and not enough females. Boys get excited when one is mating with a female and they ALLL want to join in well this can cause leg issues with the female.

Two, look at the joints are they swelled, look at the bottom of the foot, are there cuts, swelling, scabs (bubblefoot) etc.

So before jumping the gun and getting vitamins First analysis the situation. if your unable to see anything Then send some pics.. Hold the duck up with the legs dangling then send some pics of the bottom and top of the feet. With some of the members on here, we might be able to see things that you can't. And resolve the problem quicker.. We look for certain things and can PIN point the situation, not all the time but I would say We have a pretty good eye on what we are looking for. Don't you agree @Miss Lydia
Ok, Lets see not sure which person still has a duck issue but lets try this:

First: Don't put oyster shells down unless you have chickens, if you do, then keep the oyster shells in a spot where the chickens can get it on NOT so much for ducks. Ducks only need 4% OR less of calcuim so check to see what is the MAX percentage of calcuim is in your feed.

Second: NO need to give scratch, this is Nothing in scratch that is good for a chicken or a DUCK, scratch should be considered a treat. However, if you insist on giving them scratch one a week during the winter months would be recommended. This will help them gain some fat and the fat should get them threw the winter, but again, Its NOT necessary.

Third: check the protein count in your feed, anything around 15% to 20% is good. you don't want to go to high because Ducks do dig a lot for Bugs, Worms etc and there's a LOT of protein in these insects or ready.

Four" Polyvisol, Chickens do GREAT with this stuff, not so much with ducks. My favorite is Poultry Drench, I have seen great results using this Versus polyvisol WITHOUT IRON for ducks. Now Polyvisol without iron is GREAT for chickens. I have seen better results on chicken versus giving a chicken poultry drench.

Now you also want to keep an eye on there poop, poop can actually tell you a lot, one if they have worms, two if they are intaking to much iron, IRON btw can harm or even cause death if giving to much. and it can tell you if the duck has eating something that it shouldn't have.

With leg issues it's hard to narrow down one problem to resolve, first the Leg should be Well examined. Analysising your flock is a good way to start, do you have to many boys and not enough females. Boys get excited when one is mating with a female and they ALLL want to join in well this can cause leg issues with the female.

Two, look at the joints are they swelled, look at the bottom of the foot, are there cuts, swelling, scabs (bubblefoot) etc.

So before jumping the gun and getting vitamins First analysis the situation. if your unable to see anything Then send some pics.. Hold the duck up with the legs dangling then send some pics of the bottom and top of the feet. With some of the members on here, we might be able to see things that you can't. And resolve the problem quicker.. We look for certain things and can PIN point the situation, not all the time but I would say We have a pretty good eye on what we are looking for. Don't you agree @Miss Lydia
Yes I do pics can tell alot. Thanks @Lacrystol
Miss Lydia, I took my Duck to the vet her foot is swallow from having a thorn in her foot she as been on antibiotics for a week no from the vet,The antibiotic ((Enrofloxacin taste tab ) yesterday the vet give me Metacam for her pain an swallowing an fever , she still eating an drinking i have to put in front of her I still have her on vitaimans she still not wanting to use her foot she wants to walk she pulls her self around with her wing . Is there any thing eles I can do to help her
Miss Lydia, I took my Duck to the vet her foot is swallow from having a thorn in her foot she as been on antibiotics for a week no from the vet,The antibiotic ((Enrofloxacin taste tab ) yesterday the vet give me Metacam for her pain an swallowing an fever , she still eating an drinking i have to put in front of her I still have her on vitaimans she still not wanting to use her foot she wants to walk she pulls her self around with her wing . Is there any thing eles I can do to help her
You can try soaking her foot in some warm Epsom salt water I use a small bucket or a plastic dish pan because you don't want them to drink this solution since ES is also a laxative ES does help with swelling and infection though so start by using 1 cup of ES to 1 gallon of warm water mix real well then put your duck feet first into the solution hold onto her and try to keep her there for a least 5 mins. if you can do this 2X a day it should help with swelling. So the vet got the thorn out ? I am sure her foot is very painful and the antibiotic and metacam should help but it takes time so keep on with what your doing and try the soaking and see how that does along with the meds. This is a pretty strong solution but I like to hit these types of things fast and then after a few days drop back to 1/2 cup per gal of warm water. Let us know if it is helping please.
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I took the torn out about two weeks ago an took her to the vet on1/11/2016 for bumbal foot an he said it was already heeled it was swallon an soft tissue he said that he was going to put her on antibiotics for 10 day I notice onthursday it was getting worst friday she was shaking like she was cold so sunday had to find another doc to see her because mine was on vication did not want to wait no longer, this vet i took her to did not no much about ducks but she did say that there was nothing in her foot just swallon soft tissue so she give me more med to give my duck. she said to follow up with my other vet when he gets back. She still eats an drink an makes alot of noise because i have her in the house with the other female that has bumbel foot, she drags her foot in the back of her is that normal. I will try the epson salt, Thank u so much for helping me I dont want anything to happen to her. I recuse animal an have a hard time when they r sick.
I took the torn out about two weeks ago an took her to the vet on1/11/2016 for bumbal foot an he said it was already heeled it was swallon an soft tissue he said that he was going to put her on antibiotics for 10 day I notice onthursday it was getting worst friday she was shaking like she was cold so sunday had to find another doc to see her because mine was on vication did not want to wait no longer, this vet i took her to did not no much about ducks but she did say that there was nothing in her foot just swallon soft tissue so she give me more med to give my duck. she said to follow up with my other vet when he gets back. She still eats an drink an makes alot of noise because i have her in the house with the other female that has bumbel foot, she drags her foot in the back of her is that normal. I will try the epson salt, Thank u so much for helping me I dont want anything to happen to her. I recuse animal an have a hard time when they r sick.
Is her foot and leg real swollen hot to touch? She could have pus built up in there that needs to come out. Pus in poultry is not like pus in us it is more the consistency of cottage cheese. so It may have to be opened and the pus which is infection taken out. There was someone else just recently going through this with their duck let me find the thread.
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Yes it is real swallen an hot the vet would not open it she said it was just soft tissue swollen because I asked her about doing that an she would not
What about your vet? would he/she do it. Read this thread I just posted , alot of vets aren't familiar with water fowl or poultry and don't know much on how to treat them.

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