Duck has problems with walking...?

He did the other duck that had bumbo foot I will ask when he get back fron vac. that will be Friday hope she will be ok until then
@ranbarger Okay read this get the clear iodine has to be the clear it's the ammonia that draws the bumble to the surface. Keep this up plus the meds till your vet gets back unless of course she goes off feed and acts really sick, then it's an emergency.

here is another thread that I have used on 2 chickens And it worked they weren't infected like your ducks but still might help but that bumble needs to be opened up so the pus can get out. If you don't feel comfortable doing it then wait till your vet gets back.

Don't know if i gave you this one..
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You might also try bactine. I've had good luck with that. Spray the foot down with that put some on the gauze and wrap with vet wrap.
Miss Lydia, my duck is still having a hard time walking its like she is paralyzed she try so hard to move around with her wing is there anything eles that i could do.
will get picture when my son get back with my phone, wanted to ask when i was soaking he feet tonight i wash her under net off
because of all the poop that is on her from laying on she chest all day, an it is real red on her skin is there anything i can put on her She is still eating good an drinking just not using her legs but she is more alert to day.
i could do a video cam to u from my lap top if that would help

A video would be good. if you have coconut oil you can use it on her skin Let her soak in a nice warm tub of water dry her real well then use the coconut oil I have some ointment called udder cream that I have used on my Muscovy's flesh on his face. Tell us what she is eating.Vaseline would probably work to protect her skin too. I'd keep her on towels though if not what ever she lays on is going to be stuck to her.
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