Duck has really bad foot!!!!!

i will keep you posted and i'm hoping for some good new too. We just recently hatched quails, 3 of them and one of them died cause it was premature one died cause the cat got it and the other one died this morning cause i think it was too cold. Lots has been going on so i hope i will have time to look after her properly also we have gotten 4 goats and one of them may be pregnant and give birth in a couple of weeks so every things a bit hectick we also moved the turkeys outside yesterday so everything is happening all at once and my dad is away in the week so it's really hard to get stuff done without him. Thanx for the great advice i don't know what i would do without the internet. Im hoping for the best

Sounds like you have a full plate, listen I know you want the best for your duck, but think about this, if you don't feel you can give it your all then maybe it would be best to put her down. I know you don't want her to suffer and she will need good quality attention and care if she has a chance of getting through this. I'm sorry about your quail, they are so tiny I know it would be hard to keep them going. I hope the vet has good news and this infection isn't through out her body, if not she'll have a much better chance of recovering. Just remember we have to do whats best for our animals above our feelings. Looking forward to hearing your next update.
I went to the vet today and Ellie was very well behaved. Now the vet said that she was in alot of pain but she gave some painkiller and now Ellie has to take that twice a day also i have some stuff that the vet gave me to put her feet in. So we just bathed her in that but she kept drinking it LoL also we moved her in to the green house and put some left over carpet we got in with her.(She is very spoiled cause that carpet is new and clean and what we have in our snug). We gave her a bath in the sink with some eco soap and she is alot happier now the painkillers have kicked in also she is so much cleaner than she's been in weeks. Im going to take her back to the vet in 1 week to see how she's doing and she's already doing 100 times better. Also we are thinking about the other ducks and where there bank is we are going to remove the stepping stones and replace it with turf so they can have soft grass to sit on so they don't get it as well as Ellie. Here is a picture of the stepping stones and where we are going to put the grass
just on the left there.
I went to the vet today and Ellie was very well behaved. Now the vet said that she was in alot of pain but she gave some painkiller and now Ellie has to take that twice a day also i have some stuff that the vet gave me to put her feet in. So we just bathed her in that but she kept drinking it LoL also we moved her in to the green house and put some left over carpet we got in with her.(She is very spoiled cause that carpet is new and clean and what we have in our snug). We gave her a bath in the sink with some eco soap and she is alot happier now the painkillers have kicked in also she is so much cleaner than she's been in weeks. Im going to take her back to the vet in 1 week to see how she's doing and she's already doing 100 times better. Also we are thinking about the other ducks and where there bank is we are going to remove the stepping stones and replace it with turf so they can have soft grass to sit on so they don't get it as well as Ellie. Here is a picture of the stepping stones and where we are going to put the grass
just on the left there.
Probably a good idea to remove the stone and put in grass. I'm glad the vet was able to help her. great news. Now you have to remember that the pain killers will make he forget about the pain and she may want to over do so try to keep her from that. And please let us know how she is getting along Your pond is lovely I'm sure the ducks love it. Can you say what country you are in? just curious.
here are some pictures of the place she's living in and the things were giving her

these are the three things we are giving her the first one is the stuff we put on her feet earlier

she's doing alot better than before. She has a bath in our sink once a day and we bathe her feet in some special liquid. The stuff around her eyes is better since she has been bathing normally. She seems alot better now she has painkiller in her. I think her foot will heal cause the swelling on her left foot has gone down alot it almost looks like a normal foot again the other one has gone down a tiny bit and may need a few weeks. On other news my cat just died so my dad has a little sympathy because he told me "we need to focus on the living like taking care of Ellie and mending her leg"

from hollie
she's doing alot better than before. She has a bath in our sink once a day and we bathe her feet in some special liquid. The stuff around her eyes is better since she has been bathing normally. She seems alot better now she has painkiller in her. I think her foot will heal cause the swelling on her left foot has gone down alot it almost looks like a normal foot again the other one has gone down a tiny bit and may need a few weeks. On other news my cat just died so my dad has a little sympathy because he told me "we need to focus on the living like taking care of Ellie and mending her leg"

from hollie
What a sweet thing to say..
I'm happy to hear she is doing better, just remember when you start to see improvement is not the time to quit doing all your doing, keep it up till completley healed.. So sorry about your cat.

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