Duck Houses

I am sure you are right. Been looking at it all day thinking that it would be a good idea. Thanks for the reply.
I did not mean to sound short. The air flow is an important part of proper duck housing. You don't have to go huge, but from my New England with Runners point of view, what I want for housing is something that stays above freezing in winter, is pretty easy to get to even when there are 3 feet of snow outside, roomy enough for a watering station (see below), predator-proof, and not too hot in the summer (75ish ideal).

Those reduce stress on the ducks, and therefore, on myself.

Oops forgot the "below" part.

This is our watering station for ten ducks (Runners and a Buff)

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Hello all just wanted to show you where my little babies live. This chicken coop and pig sty were already at the house when we moved in. I am going to put grills up both sides and a door of the open section so the ducks can live inside and outside at night they will have access to the pig sty and a small section of completely closed off pen and during the day they have access to a large section on walled garden.

Thanks for the heads up I will get on to that ASAP they have not moved in quite yet as they are still very small and have broken legs (hurt ducklings I rescued from a meat and foie gras farm in France) I am new to this so any advice given to me right now is so useful and followed out. I will make sur it is spotless before they make it their home! I have become so attached to these little babies they have been through so much already!
Oh gosh that does not sound good at all. There have not been any pigs for at least 10 years but I will be sure to have that place completely immaculate before they are moved in. Thank you for warning me of the risks I would be completely oblivious to this if it was not for you. So glad I posted their house on here now!


I recently had built an enclosed pen for my ducks, though I do have Colonel the rooster, and Little Red Hen sharing it with them.... The red house is a playhouse that, even though the pen is pretty preditor safe, the ducks and others go in at night. I bought the playhouse off craigslist for $60 then put poultry wire on the widows and hinged plywood on for the windows. The setup works well so far.
Here are a few views of the house. Some of these pics were taken last year, and I have since put tough livestock wire around the pen. Hope you like them:)


How many ducks do you have and what are the dimensions of the enclosure and the house inside? I love it! So adorable!

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