Duck Houses

I live in Ontario Canada and the winters go below 30 I got a pair of welsh harlequin ducks and don't know where to put them in the winter I have about 20 chickens that stay in the garage in the winter with no heat and never lost one can anyone tell me what to do
I live in Ontario also. Last year was my first winter with ducks. My husband built them a house that was insulated but still had ample ventilation. I kept it quite deep with straw. He also built a wind break for them outside. I put straw on the floor of the pen to help keep their feet out of snow and ice. They did just fine. I kept their water in a heated bucket and it stayed open all winter. They really didn't seem to mind the weather.
At what age did you have them start sleeping in the floating house? And how did you get them to realize that is their new bed? I have mine out in a run during the day but i lock them up at night, I'm hoping to eventually free-range them and have them stay in their floating duck house. I guess I could add a door to my floating duck house and just start locking them in there... Lately they're being very disobedient, and not wanting to leave the pond at night, its very difficult to catch them.
They were raised in NC and when they were three weeks old they came out from under the brooder lamp and moved outdoors into a pen and coop. After the first few days I gave up chasing them to lock them into the coop at night and just let them sleep under the coop - which appeared to be their preference. They had a kiddie pool to play in every day. They were 7 weeks old when they moved to the old swimming pool in SC. I put the floating house in the water that day and when I went back a week later they were living in it. I suppose they sense it is the safest place for them. They also have a little coop available to them at the side of the pool but do not use it. They free range and have a flock block they can nibble on. The first block lasted a month. I set another one out this week. They feed on filamentous algae that grows in the pool. There are tadpoles, dragonflies and their larvae, water striders and all manner of bugs in the grass and the woods that surround the pool. There are plenty of edible plants there. I put some feeder fish in the pool, too. The ducks appear to be doing well. I check on them weekly when I stop by to mow the acreage. It appears that the four of them, identical early on, are actually two drakes and two ducks. We'll see if they pair off for mating next Spring and if they stay put. There are sizable ponds within a mile or two of the swimming pool and they may decide to move to one of them. There should be adequate nesting sites there in the surrounding woods - but I may set aside an area for them, as well - fenced on three sides with the open side open only to the water - so that predators can not enter unless they swim in. So far the arrangement is working and the ducks appear healthy and content - kind of naturalized instead of "kept" or dependent on me.

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