Duck Houses

I am still building mine I will post pictures when I finish, and those are some great looking houses!
This is the pond we had built for our ducks. They have a little beach they
can walk out of, there's a little swamp area that the water filters through
plants for biological filtering, and then there's a waterfall in the back.
We'll occasionally throw in feeder fish for the ducks, and it takes them
a few hours to catch them all.

This is the pond we had built for our ducks. They have a little beach they
can walk out of, there's a little swamp area that the water filters through
plants for biological filtering, and then there's a waterfall in the back.
We'll occasionally throw in feeder fish for the ducks, and it takes them
a few hours to catch them all.

What a beautiful place and that pond
My 4 ducks live in a 14ft x 10ft pen with a 6ft x 4ft x7ft (L x W x H) house on the outside. Is this big enough for them to live happily or should I make it bigger? And if it is big enough could I add any more ducks with them still able to live happily?

Porter Marceau
Let's see. 140 / 4 is 35. That's 35 sf per duck, and Storey's Guide recommends 25 if they don't have access to pasture (if I recall correctly). So you otta be good, there. 140 / 25 is 5+, so another couple of ducks may work out pretty well. Is there an area you can also walk them? Our 13 runners and buffs have 160 sf plus 30 sf of a covered porch for daytime. We go for walks most days around our half acre woods for fun and foraging.
I live in the suburbs so I could walk them and also if i let them out of the pen to walk the yard would they run away ( i have runners also)? And if I wanted to get a pair of wood ducks or a pair of tree ducks could the 6 ducks live happily with out over crowding? my main concern is making sure they have enough space to live happy healthy lives.

Porter Marceau
You've got space to add a few ducks, no problem.

Whether or not your ducks run away will depend somewhat on how socialized they are. Give them treats like peas to get them used to you. It doesn't take them long to learn to follow you around. But even if they don't they shouldn't be too hard to herd (unless you have a breed that can fly). Put a stick in each hand and guide them to where you want them to go. Be aware of predators, though. Especially loose dogs.
I love the house! Here I use an igloo dog house, a recycled kids playhouse, and I also have a stall in the barn for my ducks. Backing up to the flooring, I say sand I have done bare dirt and bare dirt plus straw.... Don't don't don't do that. It is disgusting and never dries out and smells to high heaven. I have also done pea gravel, which I liked. Except that eventually that disappeared in the mud. So then I did a layer of landscape fabric, with sand atop that. And I love it. :)

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