Duck hurt. Feeling hopeless...

I really want to do that. He vet said wait 5 days which may be because of the wound on her back. But I think I may try letting her swim tonight. She seems to be really missing it and she is much happier when doing her normal ducky things. She's not eating any pellets yet :( though she will it grass if I let her lay outside and she ate 4 slugs and a snail yesterday :) she also ate some lettuce in her water this morning. Hopefully that's progress but I'd feel a lot better if she was eating her food!

If the vet said wait, I'd wait just to make sure she doesn't get that wound infected. My duck had foot surgery and couldn't bathe for 2 weeks because she had stitches, so a few times a day I'd fill a deep cup with water and let her dunk her head and "take a pretend bath" haha she seemed to enjoy it and ducks need to be able to dunk their whole head in water frequently to wash out their eyes and nares. I think you taking her outside to lay in/eat a little grass and some snails and slugs is a great idea, she's getting some good protein with the snails and slugs, nutrients from grass and I'm sure just being outside lifts her spirits!
Other than that I'd just do what you're doing and keep her inside in a calm, quiet spot so she can rest and recover. I think that's a good sign that she's eating while outside, have you offered her pellets while you're out there? It might take her a day or 2 to really get her appetite back.

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