Duck lost an eye, what do I do?

Most of these past three months have been wonderful. Just this last bit with smashed duck hut, injured duck, injured self and wife while trying to rescue docks, etc. That stuff i could have lived without. :) I'm loving having ducks. It just makes me happy to see them forage, and splash in their plastic pool. Though the muscovy - D'artagnan - is terrified of the other ducks, and runs form them and climbs in our laps.
How is Ruth doing? and what kind of injury did you get rescuing the ducks?Goodness.
So glad to hear that there is a chance Ruth may see again, fingers crossed all goes well for her and hope all goes well with other problems and all your ducks will be outside again soon and free ranging and having fun. Let us know how Ruth gets on.
Ruth's eye doesn't really look all that different to me since we started treatment, but I'm hopeful. She's eating and drinking well, and quite vocal (she's always been one of the more vocal ducks). She certainly does NOT like having her eye drops done. Her eye is so swollen shut we can't see much but we were told the drops would get in. My son sneaks out of his room, if we don't check, and sleeps with a pillow and sheet in front of Ruth's cage. The other ducks have become very nervous and suddenly run from all of us. OF course, their world was rocked, and everything is different now. The hail wrecked both cars, so I haven't even eben able to get a new roof for their Hut, They are living in big borrowed dog crates outside.

As for injuries, I have numerous bruises on my neck, shoulders and backs that are baseball size. They are also badly swollen, and hard, my wife says it is like touching a big piece of leather :)

My wife fractured a finger in several places where the hail hit her. It was splinted, but she cannot move it and it is curving, so she has been told to see, and consult with, a hand surgeon this week.

This was an unreal storm here in East Dallas. Baseball size hail fell for 10 minutes.The hail was longer, but that size fell for that long. You may have seen it on the news,

They are estimating 2 Billion in insured losses and it only hit a couple of square miles.

As you can see, my son has a special bond with the ducks. :)
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Ruth's eye doesn't really look all that different to me since we started treatment, but I'm hopeful. She's eating and drinking well, and quite vocal (she's always been one of the more vocal ducks). She certainly does NOT like having her eye drops done. Her eye is so swollen shut we can't see much but we were told the drops would get in. My son sneaks out of his room, if we don't check, and sleeps with a pillow and sheet in front of Ruth's cage. The other ducks have become very nervous and suddenly run from all of us. OF course, their world was rocked, and everything is different now. The hail wrecked both cars, so I haven't even eben able to get a new roof for their Hut, They are living in big borrowed dog crates outside.

As for injuries, I have numerous bruises on my neck, shoulders and backs that are baseball size. They are also badly swollen, and hard, my wife says it is like touching a big piece of leather :)

My wife fractured a finger in several places where the hail hit her. It was splinted, but she cannot move it and it is curving, so she has been told to see, and consult with, a hand surgeon this week.

This was an unreal storm here in East Dallas. Baseball size hail fell for 10 minutes.The hail was longer, but that size fell for that long. You may have seen it on the news,

They are estimating 2 Billion in insured losses and it only hit a couple of square miles.

As you can see, my son has a special bond with the ducks. :)
What sweet pics. so sorry for ya'lls injuries and also the trauma the ducks and all of ya'll have suffered. Hope you can get it all back to normal soon. We're thinking of you and give Ruth a special hug.
Ruth had her follow up appointment today. Just yesterday we started to be able to see the eye a little when putting the drops in, previously we just kind of had to wait for them to soak through the little crack. The eye is now mostly open, but is still very swollen and pretty much blue. Vet says that is due to swelling and damage, and is hopeful that we can still save the sight in it. She says she is more hopeful that she was a week ago. The eye is almost certainly not so damaged as to require removal,even if it is sightless. Continue drops for another week. Keep her inside another 3 days, and keep fingers crossed. Ruth is getting much more vocal and much less tolerant of being kept inside. She has also lost a few ounces since last week, but not enough to be concerned over. She was much less tolerant of being picked up and taken to the vet today, than last week.
Ruth moved back outside today. She walked right up to the other ducks, and it was like she had never been gone. Her eye looks much better, and it has returned to the correct color. It isn't opened quite as wide as her other eye, and the area right around it still looks a little rough. I never see her close it, and wonder if she is able. We still put drops in 3 times a day, and she returns to the vet next week. I have rebuilt the duck hut, so they are out of their dog crates and back home. We also moved our muscovy duck/duckling(around 2 months old) outside. . He/she is in a dog crate as a pen, as she/he is still terrified of all the other ducks. He/she won't go anywhere near them, and runs and hides when they come near her/him. If we are outside he/she runs and hides behind us.orclimbs in our laps. Hopefully this will get better. For the first time since mid march we have no ducks in the house. Doesn't seem quite right.
Ruth moved back outside today. She walked right up to the other ducks, and it was like she had never been gone. Her eye looks much better, and it has returned to the correct color. It isn't opened quite as wide as her other eye, and the area right around it still looks a little rough. I never see her close it, and wonder if she is able. We still put drops in 3 times a day, and she returns to the vet next week. I have rebuilt the duck hut, so they are out of their dog crates and back home. We also moved our muscovy duck/duckling(around 2 months old) outside. . He/she is in a dog crate as a pen, as she/he is still terrified of all the other ducks. He/she won't go anywhere near them, and runs and hides when they come near her/him. If we are outside he/she runs and hides behind us.orclimbs in our laps. Hopefully this will get better. For the first time since mid march we have no ducks in the house. Doesn't seem quite right.
So good to hear the news about Ruth, and to hear ya'll are getting back to normal. At least a little, getting the duck hut rebuilt I'm sure helped your ducks feel better. Probably the more you get your muscovy duckling out around the others it will begin to feel apart of the flock. It takes time, maybe spend sometime outside with them all giving out treats. I can usually get the whole gang together when I am tossing out meal worms or peas. That may help your lil one start to relax more around the older ducks. Thanks for the update.
My 2 male ducks started fighting yesterday and it looks like one has a pretty bad eye injury his eye lit is crusted over a bit and I can not tell if he lost his eye or what exactly is wrong..I have no access to a vet please help what can I do for him..he is separated from the other male tonight but I'm not sure how I'm gonna be able to keep them separated permanently they all share a night time pen and roam free during the day. We have 2 males and 2 there anything I can do to heal his eye?

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