Duck or chicken eggs?


Oct 22, 2017
We have 8 chickens, 4 female ducks and 3 male ducks with only about 3 mo difference in age. They all like to sleep in the same coop with the ducks on the bottom. We found the 2 bigger eggs in the bottom, one with a duck feather on it. They are both about the same size and color but the shape is different, how do I know if it's a chicken or duck egg ?


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I have not had ducks in ages so keep that in mind... in my experience, duck eggs are a little more elongated than chicken eggs, with both tips looking fairly similar. They do tend to be bigger. There is one bigger egg in your pic, that has a fairly pointy end, that really looks like a duck egg to me. The other difference, at least from my ducks: holy cow, the shell is HARD. It's much harder to break a duck egg than a chicken egg. For my ducks, that was a good thing because they would lay them in the weirdest places, like among rocks and things.

However keep in mind that was a long time ago, and maybe my ducks were a different breed than yours.

Of course, basically, an egg is an egg so it's not like you can't use them in a recipe or an omelet.
I was thinking maybe there was a duck egg and a jumbo chicken egg because of the difference in shape. I think I'm gonna have to crack them and find out.

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