Duck pics


Jun 12, 2018
I have build this photo-studio for the ducks and I am so secretly proud of myself that I feel the need to share it... It's for clear pictures on the pedigree.

I used cheap wood, 1 meter high (39 inch), 1 meter and 20 centimeter (47 inch) long base, with sides matching that, open ceiling. It's longer because ducks tend to escape less that way. Two lights on both sides to prevent any shadows, and canon 450d on a standard. And some plastic greenish stuff they sell at Hornbach/building-stuff store I have no clue off what you should use it for. But since it is bendable you prevent lines, plastic so you can wipe all the poop away, this green colour because it does not match any colour that ducks have. If I used white; my white duck looks obviously dirty. It is allways dirty because it loves mud; but you don't want to obviously show it. Crisp white does show that. Picture of the studio not edited and some awesome dude entering the property.


Not so stellar photoshop skills to create 'poop be gone!' and 'some weird sand stuff hanging from your bill be gone!'.

End results from our steady flock; (minus the lavender dude above, named Leggy Billmister from 2017)

NoRing001 named Ozzy Eggborn. From 2018. For Dutch standards comming really close to an Indian runner duck. Obvious flaws. Makes it up with her personality. Having our B-nest this year with Leggy Billmister to find out what she carries beneath all that white.

NoRing003. Sold to us as a duckling that was 100% an Indian runner duck. It is clearly not; some wild duck dude flew by. Seller has started a hate-campaign against me now when I said she was not pure..sigh. (Dutch Indian runner market is nasty and mostly people who want to make a quick buck) Small fat bossy boss (Eggsee/Ducksee) will not be a mother; but hopefully allways stay because she makes a GREAT leader. Her secure and chill attitude makes all the ducks less scared.

EED1317ET733; Black SabBathduck. From Germany and from 2017. Score 96 out of 100. Her posture is GREAT. You can't get these in the Netherlands. Luckely in Germany a lot of people still do serious breeding, for the breed, not the money. She got some white spots now; and we learned she is quite traumatised. Owners got a surprise nest; suddenly way too many ducks; they all had to sleep in a tiny room with a lot of chicken and fighting for food and it still shows. No matter what the group is doing she NEEDS to sleep/sit on a specific tile next to the feed, and if you walk by she hisses at you because she thinks you want to take her 'tile'. She had to fight when young to have a place to sleep and for food; that still shows. Also the hardest to take a picture of.. on this one she is hissing.. but on all the others she managed to push her butt forward? =/


Peepee. Is the word we use in Dutch for the sound it makes and has nothing to do with the English peepee. We also don't know if it has a peepee or not. Also from Germany, one week old, and too fast that even the camera can't make a clear picture with the shortest shutter-time. Black. Is staying for ever no matter what gender. (if male, sorry Leggy Billmister,, you need to go...). Now NoRing004 but soon a ring and name.

Next to just showing something I'm proud off; as you can see their nails scratch the plastic; it will not last long. They also ALL tend to put their beak to the side.. so I need some plastic no-corner stuff that goes all around.. but how?? Tips welcome.
Black SabBathduck looks typically German: Straight up like soldier in front of the drill sergeant. - Hey, i'm allowed to say that! I am German! ;)
You need to train her to salute! - Raise her right wingtip to her head. :lau
Poor duck! Being traumatized sucks for ducks too! Give her much love and talks and i'm sure she will come 'round.
I have build this photo-studio for the ducks and I am so secretly proud of myself that I feel the need to share it... It's for clear pictures on the pedigree.

I used cheap wood, 1 meter high (39 inch), 1 meter and 20 centimeter (47 inch) long base, with sides matching that, open ceiling. It's longer because ducks tend to escape less that way. Two lights on both sides to prevent any shadows, and canon 450d on a standard. And some plastic greenish stuff they sell at Hornbach/building-stuff store I have no clue off what you should use it for. But since it is bendable you prevent lines, plastic so you can wipe all the poop away, this green colour because it does not match any colour that ducks have. If I used white; my white duck looks obviously dirty. It is allways dirty because it loves mud; but you don't want to obviously show it. Crisp white does show that. Picture of the studio not edited and some awesome dude entering the property.

View attachment 1807780

Not so stellar photoshop skills to create 'poop be gone!' and 'some weird sand stuff hanging from your bill be gone!'.
View attachment 1807782
End results from our steady flock; (minus the lavender dude above, named Leggy Billmister from 2017)

NoRing001 named Ozzy Eggborn. From 2018. For Dutch standards comming really close to an Indian runner duck. Obvious flaws. Makes it up with her personality. Having our B-nest this year with Leggy Billmister to find out what she carries beneath all that white.
View attachment 1807783

NoRing003. Sold to us as a duckling that was 100% an Indian runner duck. It is clearly not; some wild duck dude flew by. Seller has started a hate-campaign against me now when I said she was not pure..sigh. (Dutch Indian runner market is nasty and mostly people who want to make a quick buck) Small fat bossy boss (Eggsee/Ducksee) will not be a mother; but hopefully allways stay because she makes a GREAT leader. Her secure and chill attitude makes all the ducks less scared.
View attachment 1807785

EED1317ET733; Black SabBathduck. From Germany and from 2017. Score 96 out of 100. Her posture is GREAT. You can't get these in the Netherlands. Luckely in Germany a lot of people still do serious breeding, for the breed, not the money. She got some white spots now; and we learned she is quite traumatised. Owners got a surprise nest; suddenly way too many ducks; they all had to sleep in a tiny room with a lot of chicken and fighting for food and it still shows. No matter what the group is doing she NEEDS to sleep/sit on a specific tile next to the feed, and if you walk by she hisses at you because she thinks you want to take her 'tile'. She had to fight when young to have a place to sleep and for food; that still shows. Also the hardest to take a picture of.. on this one she is hissing.. but on all the others she managed to push her butt forward? =/

View attachment 1807787

Peepee. Is the word we use in Dutch for the sound it makes and has nothing to do with the English peepee. We also don't know if it has a peepee or not. Also from Germany, one week old, and too fast that even the camera can't make a clear picture with the shortest shutter-time. Black. Is staying for ever no matter what gender. (if male, sorry Leggy Billmister,, you need to go...). Now NoRing004 but soon a ring and name.
View attachment 1807788

Next to just showing something I'm proud off; as you can see their nails scratch the plastic; it will not last long. They also ALL tend to put their beak to the side.. so I need some plastic no-corner stuff that goes all around.. but how?? Tips welcome.

These are fantastic! Thank you for sharing :love
Black SabBathduck looks typically German: Straight up like soldier in front of the drill sergeant. - Hey, i'm allowed to say that! I am German! ;)
You need to train her to salute! - Raise her right wingtip to her head. :lau
Poor duck! Being traumatized sucks for ducks too! Give her much love and talks and i'm sure she will come 'round.

You are not the first one to suggest that...but I would love to keep my head attached to my neck for quite some years and/or not be in jail. :p (that kind of saluting is illegal here, fellow readers).

Yeah it's quite sad for her. She hasn't had her long wing feathers (pens? forgot the English name) grown back after molting months ago; I'm starting to begin to feel that that is also stress-related. But I have no other options to make life less stressfull for her then it is now. She is eating out of your hand, so she changed a lot and has some trust in us, but this trauma will probably last years or for ever. It's quite interesting actually that these things can be so traumatic for them. People who have adopted streetcats might relate; they often keep having this food-fixation after a time not-knowing if there will be food. Slowly she is changing a bit; she slept on the other side of the yard with the others! For 5 whole minutes! Then it was running back to her special tile. Next to the food.
Lesson to be learned; keeping too many animals in one space is a no-no.
All so cute! good on you for even trying i couldn't manage to wrangle my ducks to hold still, well perhaps the calls but definitely not the bigger ones.

well, cough, you didn't see all the 1000 other pictures... many pictures where needed in the hope one turned out okay. Because..yeah no. They don't sit still. And poop a lot.
Except the white one. That one moved too little. That dumb cuty thought 'Oh, I guess this is my new home now? yes?'.
(And one neck wrangling was allmost accidentally done because Leggy Billmister was really, really, really, sure our plan was to slaughter him or something)

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