Duck Pond/pool pictures

Here's my attempt at duck haven:

BTW, I have had no complaints!
That structure is to hold the net up. Orginally we only had one pole in the middle but neither my dad nor myself felt comfortable with one 6x6 holding the whole 100+ pound net up. So he built this square for added support. We are thinking about either putting a slanted roof on it so they will have some shade or building an observation tower on it. That way we woulc come in and watch the birds from above and htey wouldn't be bothered as much.
There is No9 Galveninzed wire that run around the top part od the pen from each 6x6 to the next 6x6 which are between 8 ft and 25ft aport (one is 32ft because they messed up when concreting them). From each 6x6 on the outside there is a wire that runs to one of the four center poles. It looks like a massive spiderweb on the inside.

The net on the is one piece. The squares are 1.5inchx1.5inch which will keep the bobwhite quail and smaller teal in. The pen is 125x5 and I ordered the net 140x90 to be able to hang it over the sides and overlaped the 1x2 welded wire. Once the net is pulled you take the No9 wire and run it through the net on the bottum and attach it to the welded wire.. So it is like a circus tent but made out of wire and netting.. The winds should be able to get through it... Strong storms today so I am a bit worried!!
As for the cost of the net.. well it was around $1,200 and took about 10 people pulling on it to get it over the whole pen.. it only took us about 2 hours though and that was because we had another waterfowler there who had done it 3 or 4 times! If not we could have been there all day!! The place I ordered it from wanted to sell me one net that was 125x75 and then another net that was the height I wanted to cover on the sides (5ft) by the outside of the pen (125+125+75+75). That would have been a nightmare. They say the net strecthes andit does but not as much as the say it does! I ordered extra just in case! In some places the net is longer than in other but that is okay. Just in case I ever need a peice of net I can cut it off!

Now for the water.. My dad has a well at his house so that is where it comes from.. can you imagine the water bill if not! In theory, the pond should have totally fresh water every 2 days..

I don't mind all the questions! We are all here to learn and enjoy our birds! I asked alot of questions and did alot of research before we started building and there are things I have learned that I will do different if/when we build another pen..
We are already talking about the catch pen which will be like this one but 40x60 and the Brood house.. I told my dad we could start in March and he was like March.. Why so we can work every day on it. Which we did on this one to get it done in 2 months.. and we literally worked on it every saturday and sunday from sun up to sun down.

So bring on the questions if you have them! I am more than happy to answer them or get any ideas or suggestions for the next one!
I'm glad you are sharing all this information. Not that we are not going out to do the same (quite pricey undertaking), but it is so educational. I thought what a smart idea to have an observation deck that holds the net up. I guess that was not the intended idea.

I'm all for the idea of making it into one. It will be so much fun to sit there and just enjoy the birds and site. I didn't see any tree structures inside of it for the birds to sit in. Or at least the type of ducks that naturally do. Doesn't have to be real trees, which I think you wrote that you have planted them. Here in the Klamath Basin the mount a lot of dead trees for the birds to sit in. I love that unobstructed sight.
kangababy, so you have a pump, pumping water in, and i am assuming the water naturally flows out into another pen/pond/creek? how clean does the water stay? and my finally question is, can i come live with you? no, just kidding. But I am very envious of your pen and birds.
thanks!! After it gets to the fill line on the pipe, it flows out inti the acre pond we have. That pond is eventually going to run into another 2 ponds and into a creek. Now it just flows out to the back of our land. The water wasclean until I had this bright idea to put the water up to the edge for some cattails. Now we are figting to get it clean! I hate to drain it againbecause it takes so long to fill.
The first close up of the black ducks with the white in front of their eye's are Barrow's goldeneye and the second picture of the ducks with the white patch on the back of their heads are buffleheads.
I'm glad you are sharing all this information. Not that we are not going out to do the same (quite pricey undertaking), but it is so educational. I thought what a smart idea to have an observation deck that holds the net up. I guess that was not the intended idea.

I'm all for the idea of making it into one. It will be so much fun to sit there and just enjoy the birds and site. I didn't see any tree structures inside of it for the birds to sit in. Or at least the type of ducks that naturally do. Doesn't have to be real trees, which I think you wrote that you have planted them. Here in the Klamath Basin the mount a lot of dead trees for the birds to sit in. I love that unobstructed sight.

We have a few stumps in there but are working on getting more and some trees. My dad has a few friends with land and lots of woods so they are looking for us some hollow trees to cut and put in the pen for them to sit on and nest. I have the stumps they are jsut so heavy.
Ok, so I thought I bring this thread back to life (hopefully)
My question though is hope many sqr feet does a duck need in a coop, run and water (pond)? I know it is best to give as much as possible. I just want to know the minimum. Oh, and if it matters I am getting 2 blue swedish, 1 buff, 1 cayuga and 1 welsh harlequin.


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