Duck Quarantine Question

Have you contacted Learycow on here? She runs Al's Quackery in Arundel. I don't know if she has adult ducks for sale, but if you have not gotten a duck already maybe she can help. I've always wanted to see what she has, but promised I would not get ducklings. She's on FB too
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Last evening we brought home Claudette, a two year old Rouen. I have her in a seperate area until the quarantine period is over. Claudette and Gabrielle have seen each other from afar and have quacked back and forth. Right now, Claudette is quite nervous/scared and I've been going out to sit nearby and talk to her trying to get her used to me. Poor thing. But she is a cutie and I think all will be well. She even laid an egg that I collected this morning. :)
Last evening we brought home Claudette, a two year old Rouen. I have her in a seperate area until the quarantine period is over. Claudette and Gabrielle have seen each other from afar and have quacked back and forth. Right now, Claudette is quite nervous/scared and I've been going out to sit nearby and talk to her trying to get her used to me. Poor thing. But she is a cutie and I think all will be well. She even laid an egg that I collected this morning. :)
That is so neat you finally found a friend for Gabrielle, Since ducks are so hardy I usually don't even do quarantine. if they don't look healthy when I go to get them they don't come home with me, If she is eating and pooping normal[which normal has it's variances in ducks} I'd say go for it.

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