Duck sounds like Donkey


8 Years
Jun 28, 2011
my peklin drake lately has been making a donkey "hee haw" sound. Mostly only when he is swimming. I have listened to his lungs with a stethescope and it all sounds clear and there is no discharge or drainage. Is his just making weird noises, or could something be wrong? anyone else's duck make noises like this?

thanks in advance
Does he do a weird looking head boobing moving at the same time? I have heard what I think you are describing in my boys just after mating usually, but they can do it at other random times as well.
My drakes make that noise every time they mate. Usually accompanied by strutting around, or swimming wildly in the pond, or flapping of the wings.....they seem quite proud of themselves.

Sometimes they do it when I approach with the food dish or treats. But mostly after mating. It does remind me of a donkey,
never made that association before. Just a bunch of showing off (and very proud of themselves) drakes!
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My drake also makes the donkey 'hee haw' sound after mating. He likes to stand up tall and flap his wings at the same time. Perhaps the boys like to brag?
yes I am positive he is a drake... curled tail feather... not very loud, and mates with my hen... i.e. leaving fertilized eggs. So I am pretty sure

It is normally when I put them in our pool. He loves it and gets very excited, (different from a kiddie pool I guess lol) he starts swimming around the peremiter while bobbing his head and flapping his wings, and when I walk over there he makes that noise while flapping. However they never mate in our pool... I think its too deep for their sexual liking. lol
I have heard this noise on occasion when I go out in the morning to feed them. I guess its normal, it just made me very concerned the first few times.
My Bella makes a sweet "purring" noise. My husband called it purring. BUT her sister Trix sounds like a heard of geese or at least a few donkeys!! Trix lets us & everyone know if she's: hungry, happy, scared, enjoying her veggies, or if she's found something yummy when foraging!!! She is so LOUD!!
Yes, I've heard something that could be described as a "donkey" braying....

I have a drake that "barks"...

a female that has a LOUD laughter...prolonged too...she can go for 30-45 seconds non-stop.

My (loud) laughing crested female used to have this funny sound when she was calm and a car idling that was misfiring on one cylinder.
yea, my duck and my drake both purr, if I hold them and scratch their necks... kind of like a dog when you hit the right spot lol.

And my female is very loud, its a good thing my neighbors adore my ducks lol since I live in the suburbs. She tends to only be loud at diner time, breakfast time, pool changing time, bathing time, mating time, when she wants to play with the dogs, and of course egg laying time. She use to hide her nest by has picked it to now be right under my bedroom window. She I hear her before she lays every morning.

My drake is alot more muffled and is not very vocal, it was just the strangest noise I heard, when he did the donkey thing, but I have now paid more attention and agree it is before he wants to mate, or when they jump in the pool the 1st time in the morning. (aka when he wants to mate lol)
My drake does sound like he has a bark, but then again he was raised with my dogs, and doesnt know any better... he thinks he is a dog. (he even wrestles with them, which they just stand there and he wrestles lol, and will take their bones to hid them, and he will even run after them to try and play fetch) Poor thing even expects to come in with them at night, and when we go for a car rid, he sits on my lap, and wants to stick his head out the window. haha He's got the best personality even!!!

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