Duck Suddenly Panting and Whimpering



5 Years
Mar 12, 2016
East Tennessee
I swear, just after recovering a chick, dealing with syringe-medicating a duck two times a day, and having a different duck suddenly limp, I have to add to the list of my stresses. I have a 2-year-old Pekin duck who's been through a lot; an abusive drake has left her with a permanent limp and a deformed wing. She's handled things pretty well until recently.
Now, whenever I hold her or allow her to fully submerge and swim in water, she pants profusely. The longer I hold her/she swims, she quickly begins panting. After stopping the activity triggering the panting, it slopes off. Sometimes, she'll lurch her neck while sitting down. And that brings me to my next point...
She sits a lot. Not just occasionally, but she'd rather remain sitting than get treats. It's been this way longer than the panting, but it could possibly draw into this. Sometimes she'll break into minor panting, and more often her breathing seems more forced than a smooth breath.
I'm getting worried about her. It's winter here in East Tennessee, so there's nothing heat-related to her panting. Thanks for reading!
Being in TN as well, have you dewormed her with a good dewormer? We have an overabundance of gapeworm and overload causes panting, sitting a lot and additional respiratory difficulties...
It must be that! It is literally all of that! So, now that we have found the issue, how can I deal with this? Would Co-op have dewormer? Does she need to be separated? Thank you so much!
Could be a heart condition if it happens during exercise ?...Is it over weight?
It's hard to say if she's overweight... she's a Pekin, so she'll already hefty. I can say that she's less heavy than my other Pekin, but that's it. She doesn't pant when she walks, and she'll pant when I pick her up, which requires no efforts from her.

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