Duckling breathing with mouth open

How sweet of you to take it in and try to offer it the best life possible despite it's physical differences clucky! I'd have totally done the same thing because I'm always a sucker for the underdog :)

Your set up sounds just fine. I'm not sure about allergies but at times my ducklings will scratch at their faces as well. Seems more of a "this feels good" sort of itch more than a "something's wrong here" sort of itch so I haven't worried about it. Could be upper respiratory related, and make sure you're not seeing any sort of mites, but unless you're keen on bringing it into a vet you'll just have to wait and see how things shake out. Other than that, keep making sure it has plenty of access to water like you've already stated you're doing - and ALWAYS stay away from damp anything in regards to birds (coop air, bedding, feed etc). Aflatoxin and aspergillosis is no joke,
Thanks everyone for the help. So I just got up (I work over nights) and miraculously it isnt breathing thru its mouth! I now seen for the first time dink its whole bill in the water. Bit it still sneezes once and a while not near as bad. Its still itching as well but not as bad either.

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