Duckling cant walk


Apr 28, 2021
Last night at work, me and my brother found a duckling that just stayed near us. (for your information we tried to take it where we found it and covered it with a cloth, but there were no other baby ducks in sight and the ducks we found ignored the little thing while he followed us wherever we went. We took it home since we could take care of it and we've got chickens and some older babies.)
I got him a pen with some water and chicken feed since that's all we had at the moment and the stores were closing. That's when our dog rushed past me and grabbed him (which was uncharacteristic since she is very protective). I didn't see any blood and he seemed pretty shocked, so we let him rest for the night. Come morning and he still isn't walking. It seems like he's trying but he's not moving his legs at all. We can pick him up and he'll stretch them but just curls them closer when they touch the ground. Is there anything we can do?
It's actually a gosling we found out. I've gotten him to eat a little bit of oats and he's been drinking, but still not anxious to walk. He is speaking some now.

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