Duckling spinning?


8 Years
Feb 17, 2011
South East TN
One of my black east Indie ducklings, Jemma was acting fine as usual tonight. Then all of a sudden she let out a loud yelp like someone had stepped on her or something but the other ducklings were not near her. I turned around to see her neck in a strange position, almost like a spasm and she began to spin very quickly in circles. 8 or 9 times in a row. Then as quick as she started, it was over and she shook off and seemed ok again. It was very odd. This was clearly not a silly/playful thing. She seemed distressed about it. She is 11 days old.
That's wry neck. It's caused by a vitamin deficiency. I had duckling with it too. You treat it with poly-vi-sol with no iron, which you can find at drug stores, or with Nutri-Drench poultry vitamins, which is what I used. You find it at farm and feed stores, like Tractor and Supply. Here's a link so you know what you're looking for:
Oh no. :( Seriously? I cannot catch a break. A chick with a crossbeak and now a wry neck duckling.

I don't know which duckling it was (I have two identical ones) Can I treat both ducklings?
Oh no. :( Seriously? I cannot catch a break. A chick with a crossbeak and now a wry neck duckling.

I don't know which duckling it was (I have two identical ones) Can I treat both ducklings?
If you get the Nutri drench you can treat them all just put it in their water according to direction. and if you notice the one doing this again then mark her/him somehow so you can treat individual the ND can be given straight into the mouth, just be careful not to squirt down the throat so as not to get into the lungs.
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Ok, I just took their waterer out, emptied it and mixed up a gallon solution with the Sav-a-chick and refilled them. I'll pick up the nutri drench Monday morning!

When should I expect this to improve? Is this like torticollis in humans?

I have never experienced this with any of my hens before so it was pretty shocking watching her do it.
Ok, I just took their waterer out, emptied it and mixed up a gallon solution with the Sav-a-chick and refilled them. I'll pick up the nutri drench Monday morning!

When should I expect this to improve? Is this like torticollis in humans?

I have never experienced this with any of my hens before so it was pretty shocking watching her do it.
She hasn't done it again? as far as improvement it does take time depending on how advanced. is your duckling crested/? by any chance. I saw a friends young silkie chick with a very advanced stage because he got better and she stopped his treatment. so just because you seen improvement you don't want to stop giving the Vitamins. The vitamins help in other areas too. Plus you might want to consider buying Brewers yeast and adding it to your ducklings feed, it helps with neurological problems and leg issues because if feeding chick stater grower it doesn't have the amt of niacin young ducklings need. When if have ducklings and or chicks i always give ND in their water for the first week. It just gives them a good boost.
She hasn't done it again? as far as improvement it does take time depending on how advanced. is your duckling crested/? by any chance. I saw a friends young silkie chick with a very advanced stage because he got better and she stopped his treatment. so just because you seen improvement you don't want to stop giving the Vitamins. The vitamins help in other areas too. Plus you might want to consider buying Brewers yeast and adding it to your ducklings feed, it helps with neurological problems and leg issues because if feeding chick stater grower it doesn't have the amt of niacin young ducklings need. When if have ducklings and or chicks i always give ND in their water for the first week. It just gives them a good boost.
No, she hasn't done it again since I saw her do it last night. I will get some Brewers yeast tomorrow too. What ratio should I do for that?
No, she hasn't done it again since I saw her do it last night. I will get some Brewers yeast tomorrow too. What ratio should I do for that?
Depends on how many ducklings you have and amt of feed you put out but when i gave it to my lone duckling I believe it was 1 Tab to 1 cup of feed and I just sprinkled it over top. Hopefully since she's only done it that one time you can get it treated fast and she'll not continue it. Here is a link that is mostly talking about leg issues and Niacin but it gives the dosage for the brewers yeast and niacin depending on which one you decide to use. I went with the brewers yeast mainly because It was easier for me to find and use. It's not that easy to find just plain ole niacin anymore, but it still out there so you may want to use it instead.and the idea of moistening their feed with warm water so the niacin or brewers yeast doesn't end up on the bottom of the feed dish is an excellent way to make sure they are getting the amt. they need.
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