Duckling struggling to hatch


Jun 30, 2015
I tried gently peeling of the shell but a little blood came from the membrane so I stopped, there is a large Hole in the side but the duckling won't try to get out, the broody hen sitting on it heptathlon pulling away the shell but hurting the chick what do I do?
I tried gently peeling of the shell but a little blood came from the membrane so I stopped, there is a large Hole in the side but the duckling won't try to get out, the broody hen sitting on it heptathlon pulling away the shell but hurting the chick what do I do?

If there is blood it is not ready to hatch.

Leave it alone. it will hatch when it is ready, or it will not hatch ever, that is natural selection.

Peeling it out will not help at all.
Thanks I left him and he hatched last night

See the duck did not need a midwife after all! Grats..

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