Ducklings getting to big for Plastic Tote?????


11 Years
Nov 24, 2008
What else can I use?? They are in the biggest tote I could find at Wal-Mart its clear so they can see out..They just seem to be growing like a weed...Every morning they seem bigger than when I went to bed!!! What I get that would still work in the house??
I have a big (6 or 8 ft long)galvanized stock tank from TSC. I divided it in half with a small window screen and have 7 ducklings in 1/2 and a bunch of chick in the other 1/2. Works so far- they're 2 weeks old. I know it won't pretty soon tough, but our weather is getting so nice, that put them outside soon, or I'll sell them soon like I'm hoping to.
They do grow scary fast. If you have a bathtub you're willing to give up for a few weeks, put them in it. I taped a piece of window screen over the drain to catch any bedding or yuck.
I also use a kiddy pool in the garage. Actually I have a couple different sizes (depending on the breed and/or # of babies). Works great and easy to clean afterwards.
I have a kiddie pool but them little things can jump..And the kiddie pool isnt as high as the tote....I think they have a spring in their butt....6, 3 week old mallards
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Mine outgrew theirs in the first week, I had 8 though. I moved them to a large dog cage. Now they have plenty of room. It was time for mine to go outside in the garage so I filled a small box with bedding and put it in there with them under the heat lamp. They love it!
My duckzillas have just moved into a new 5' dia. kiddie pool. They were handed to me in a paper bag just two weeks ago, and have since moved into a plastic tub, a bassinet, and now the new digs:


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