Ducklings + Goslings

I wish I could get a video up. Of all the noises I've made (and I've tried a lot of noises), the bass has their attention. They all stand so still and quiet like I've never seen. They're usually sleeping or peeping (well their quacks are well on the way). I advise you to try it with yours.
I just tried it. They seemed curious and paused to listen, but my voice isn't very deep, so they weren't mesmerized or anything like that. I wonder why they do that, though. I should try different noises with them and see if there's any pattern to it.
I sing to my ducks. They quiet right down and seem to listen. They like melodic lullabies. I like to sing so it's fun for me too.

I introduced my goslings to my adult geese and after a few days they adopted them. At first they were a little antagonistic but now they protect them and they clearly accept them as their children.



Whoa! They are so big! What kind of waterer do you use for all of them?
They look like they're having a blast in their pool! Do the goslings go in, too, or just the ducks?
I've gone to a 5 gallon chicken waterer and a small bowl for their washing. The bowl needs refilled quite often but the waterer lasts all day. The geese do go in the pool but it usually flushes out the ducks. I think once they get outside, though, they're more interested in grazing.
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A five gallon waterer! I should use a big one like that next year. Mine don't even drink that much, but they spill alot of water.
They were emptying the bowl and a one gallon waterer several times a day. It was a $35 investment that we chose to do last minute. I've got a few ideas for when they are moved to their permanent pen.

And you're right about the mess. I think they get less water in their mouth than they do on their feet.
The ducks were born 4/18 and the geese 4/26. So we're looking at a little over 5 weeks old on the ducks and just over a month old for the geese.

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