Ducks And Chickens Together

I Love Layers

5 Years
Apr 25, 2015
I have read and heard many people say that you should never put ducks and chickens together. Mine have been together for over a year, and they didn't grow up with each other, and i have never had any problems. I was recently talking to someone at a rabbit show, who also owns poultry and they said that they also put their ducks and chickens together, so i was wondering if there is a real answer to this
Everyone has different experiences, but I think the main reason people say ducks and chickens shouldn't be together is simply because ducks tend to be far messier then chickens and will get the coop wet, which can make the chickens get sick. A lot of people keep ducks, chickens, turkeys, guineas, and geese together without any problem.

I'm hoping to raise some ducks with my chickens soon!
My understanding is that the drakes will try to mate with the hens (chickens) and can kill them doing so.
I have had ducks and chickens in the past but kept them separate just because I had so many ducks. The pekin drake was awful to the female ducks I can only imagine he would have been the same with chickens.
My understanding is that the drakes will try to mate with the hens (chickens) and can kill them doing so.
I have had ducks and chickens in the past but kept them separate just because I had so many ducks. The pekin drake was awful to the female ducks I can only imagine he would have been the same with chickens.

I have never seen a drake do that, and the 5 people I've asked about this all said they never had a drake breed a chicken.
Quote: Not common, but is possible and a good thing to be aware of.

Ducks also can make a real mess with water and if facilities are not well planned it can make problems for the chickens, especially chicks.

All a matter of management, it works for some folks and not for others....not much is absolute when dealing with live animals
I have a drake now trying to mate with my chickens. they are all nearly 5 months old. there are 2 female ducks and 6 chickens, then Eugene. I was able earlier just to distract him, but now he is getting more aggressive toward the chickens. today he is in duck jail...but is this gonna be the way I have to keep him from now on? any suggestions would be vets 'nuture' ducks?
If your drake is trying to breed your pullets, it's not likely that he'll stop. You could certainly check with a few vets in the area to see if they would caponize your drake. I don't know if that would stop the behavior. But, if you plan to go that route, I'd do it as soon as possible.
I have one female pekin duck one make pekin duck and one male mallard. They all were raised with my 14 chickens put the male ducks are trying to mate with my chickens there poor back of there neck feathers are missing what should i do? The chickens can get away from them up on a shelf and we have saw horses but when they go get a drink the duck goes after them. Especially right now they cannot walk around the yard because of the snow. Should i get rid of the ducks i just don't want my chickens to end up dead. :(
The best thing you can to to make it through the rest of winter with the male ducks and all the chickens is to separate them. Ducks need a shelter from the weather and predators but that can be as simple as a wooden box only a couple inches off the ground. There is mesh that is plastic sold at Home Depot very cheaply. I would only use it if you are able to make the duck area/corner in your existing run. If you would have to move them out of the run altogether in order for them to have some room I would use heavier wire for sure.

The other option would be to try and find a home for the drakes (male ducks).

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