Ducks and Chickens?


7 Years
Jun 7, 2012
So I have to get a straight run khaki Campbell duck. Can I keep with the chickens? I was going to give it a small kiddie pool, but if that's bad I don't have to. What if it's a male? Thanks!
We keep our ducks with our chickens. 3 of our ducks are scared of the chickens, and the other 2 are best buds, and the chickens actually pick on the older three ducks when they try to pick on the younger 2 ducks. It's pretty cute. She/he can stay in a kiddie pool without a problem, your chickens probably won't jump into it, if they do they'll quickly jump out after jumping into it, and it probably won't be deep enough for them to drown in. Kiddie pools make an excellent source of water for ducks because it's deep enough for them to dunk their whole heads into, and at least take spot baths.

The only problem I've heard about drakes and chickens is that sometimes drakes will try to mate with chickens, and because ducks have a penis where as chickens do not, chickens aren't adapt to it and so drakes can kill ducks when trying to mate.
People do, i don't for a few reasons, one being i do own drakes and yes some will try and mate with hens which can result in death. Next ducks need water in which to bathe, like a chicken needs a dust bath, plus ducks love mud, water etc whereas chickens like drier and mud no fan usually lol

Kiddy pools are excellent, i use them here, you can control the cleanliness and you avoid the dangers of creatures eating your ducks for dinner.
I am very new to this, my 4 ducks and 3 chicks are around 6-7 weeks old, but they love each other. I have had absolutely no problems, I swear one of my chicks thinks they are a duck!!
I am very new to this, my 4 ducks and 3 chicks are around 6-7 weeks old, but they love each other. I have had absolutely no problems, I swear one of my chicks thinks they are a duck!!

That's because their young! my 8wk old 'scovie girl is with 3 of her brothers their young, but in awhile that will be a BIG problem!
We have turkeys, ducks and chickens all together!! (no one needs to tell me about blackheads disease either.....I live in the PNW, and apparently we don't have it here...anyways...that's a "turkey thing") We have one drake, 3 hens(ducks), 6 chickens, and a full grown turkey (hen) running in a large fenced off area. There is enough space for everyone. He has his favorite girl, and can be quite aggressive with her, so we do keep him separated from the lady ducks, so for the most part, he minds his own self. He CAN be quite cranky and often tries to attack ME! :) Everyone else seems to be safe. So, it can be done. I don't think I would keep them together in a small pen though.
We have turkeys, ducks and chickens all together!! (no one needs to tell me about blackheads disease either.....I live in the PNW, and apparently we don't have it here...anyways...that's a "turkey thing") We have one drake, 3 hens(ducks), 6 chickens, and a full grown turkey (hen) running in a large fenced off area. There is enough space for everyone. He has his favorite girl, and can be quite aggressive with her, so we do keep him separated from the lady ducks, so for the most part, he minds his own self. He CAN be quite cranky and often tries to attack ME! :) Everyone else seems to be safe. So, it can be done. I don't think I would keep them together in a small pen though.

You keep the drake separate? see if i didn't have drakes my chickens would probably be fine, but the drakes can and do mate chickens, not all but it's a genuine risk and sadly you may find out the hard way... always something to be cautious of.
I only have one drake, and he ends up being out with a full grown turkey, or he's alone. He's only with the chickens for a short time, and there is a lot of space for them to scatter. He is mostly concerned with his mate, who he isn't allowed to be out with anymore, because he's too rough on her. So he visits with her through the chicken wire fence. If they were in close quarters, I might worry more. I would worry about him mixed with the OTHER ducks though. He doesn't like the 2 other duck hens. He tried once to mate with the turkeys when they were about the size of a chicken. I guess it depends on if they are an aggressive drake or not. Some people on here say that their drakes are "sweet". Not mine. He doesn't like me. He did act different a few years ago when we had tom turkeys, he seemed just fine. After we processed the toms, he went nuts on us. They've had this living situation for more than a year, and no chicken injuries.

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