Ducks are EVIL!!!!

Why have a nasty duck to start with? They're 10 times nastier than any chicken I've ever seen.
And evil to boot.
Myself ...personally... I don't like ANY kind of waterfowl. Saying this I do have a duck and she has ALWAYS been with the chickens. I bought a drake a couple of months ago and put him with them. Never had a problem with either. The hen duck just wants to romance the RIR rooster! Mine isn't evil, just mixed up in the head about what species she is!

Even with a large garden and woodland to use our demi-sauvage drake always managed to find the Copper Black Maran roo. All the other roos and hens could pass within pecking range without a worry. Not the CBM. There seemed to be no reason for this; the roo certainly hadn't gone after either of them. Eventually the drake was taken by a fox. His replacement has his dislikes but only amongst the other ducks.
I am confused as to why this is in predators and pests. Ducks are not a predator or a pest, take responsibility for human actions and don't lump waterfowl in this catogory. I have ducks, chickens and geese. None of them bother the others because I provided each with proper habitat.
Waterfowl and ground birds are not meant to be housed together. They have nothing in common except that they are birds and they eat the same general type of feed. All similarities end there, though.
Ducks are not evil, but they have the ability to out-compete any other poultry for resources. They are survivors. They out-lay, out-eat, out-forage, out-breed, out-hide and out-drink any other birds. Once you know that about them you must make sure that no other bird is in competition with them because the other birds don't stand a chance against ducks. It is for these reasons I have always housed my waterfowl separately from my chickens. (Not to mention, my chickens would divorce me if I tried to house them with the sloppy, water-loving, messy ducks.)
Then there is the breeding thing. A roo can "mate" a duck and have no issues from it. A drake tries to "mate" a chicken and you have a wounded hen. A dangerous situation for your hens to be in.
I have kept chickens, ducks, and geese for several years now. They are housed separately, stick to their own groups and rarely interact with each other. I have chosen not to keep drakes or ganders because they were too difficult. This has worked out very well. The population is stable, the fighting is minimal, the girls are not harassed constantly, and everything is peaceful.

Good luck.

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