Ducks hatched, but I'm concerned about their survival


In the Brooder
11 Years
Apr 3, 2008
NE Alabama
My Buff female had 2 eggs, one hatched Friday, the other today ( Sunday ). they are in a pen with Mama, & Papa plus 4 other 4 to 5 week old Pekins. The Male chases the female around (for sex) the Mama chaces the Pekins, the little ones are getting stepped on and run over by everyone. Should I take them and put them in a brooder till they are bigger... I would hate for them to be trampled to death.
A quick reply would be appreciated :>)

Here they are Buff babies
Can you seperate the mom with the babie in seperate pen.. If not put babies in the brooder... That's my 25 cents... they will get stomped to death if not seperated

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