Ducks having Diarrhea treatment.

Ok, I will try oats. They are sick as they were before one month the main reason is Bacteria . They made the feed wet always .
I am giving them yogurt they are improving no breathe weezing and weeping from nostrils is reduced
And even poop is also improving.
I think I had confusion it's bacteria and respiratory problem and The mold symptoms are worse I read about them; it's not mold. I checked out the coop again just the place where I kept water was little black.

I feed fermented feed to my flock it has very warm water and Apple cider vinegar mixed into the feed to ferment and keep mold from forming in the feed.. I also keep feed and water a ways apart from each other that way they aren't sticking their heads into the water and making a mess of their feed. anytime you have wet feed it will mold pretty fast especially if the temp is warm or hot, Only the ACV will keep the mold and bacteria away. Place water outside and not inside their house too that helps to keep things a little drier. I don't even put water in my chicken coop because the ducks can go in and make a mess. If you can get hold of some Apple Cider vinegar or white vinegar you can mix it with water and spray any areas where it's black.
Very glad to hear your already seeing improvement that's great.
According to symptoms my ducks are having diarrhea . Any natural treatment please ?
I am giving them yougurt and cabbage it's improving the poop. I want more info.
is the diarrhea bloody?, is it a yellow green color?, any sign of laziness or loss of appetite? if so they could have enteritis or also called the duck plague, and if they survive without being treated they are carriers and spread it to other flock mates
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Now they are fine :) and I sent them to farm house :-( Good bye Duckies. I hope they will be enjoying with new fellow ducks there.
I see this is an old thread, but I am searching for ideas to combat diarrhea in my Muscovy ducks. I will try the vinegar and the rolled oats. Can these ducks take Amprolium?
I find this in Storey's Guide to Raising Ducks:

(amprolium) can be added to feed or drinking water and are usually available from feed stores and poultry supply dealers. However, the recommended dosages for chickens and turkeys should be reduced by approximately one-third to one-half for ducks, since waterfowl consume greater quantities of feed and water and overdoses of some coccidiostats can be deadly.
I find this in Storey's Guide to Raising Ducks:

(amprolium) can be added to feed or drinking water and are usually available from feed stores and poultry supply dealers.  However, the recommended dosages for chickens and turkeys should be reduced by approximately one-third to one-half for ducks, since waterfowl consume greater quantities of feed and water and overdoses of some coccidiostats can be deadly.

Thank you for the info and insight.
FWIW, I have given my Muscovies amprolium and not have any issues. The doses I use are:

9.6% liquid - 2 teaspoons per gallon for 5 days, then 1/2 teaspoon per gallon for 7 days.
20% powder - 1.5 teaspoons per gallon for 5 days, then 1/3 teaspoon per gallon for 7 days.

I find this in Storey's Guide to Raising Ducks:

(amprolium) can be added to feed or drinking water and are usually available from feed stores and poultry supply dealers.  However, the recommended dosages for chickens and turkeys should be reduced by approximately one-third to one-half for ducks, since waterfowl consume greater quantities of feed and water and overdoses of some coccidiostats can be deadly.

I've been meaning to ask this... Does anyone know how much a duck drinks in a day? What percentage of their body weight do they drink in a day?

I see this is an old thread, but I am searching for ideas to combat diarrhea in my Muscovy ducks. I will try the vinegar and the rolled oats. Can these ducks take Amprolium?

Welcome to BYC!

How old are your ducks? Can you post pictures of their poop?

Thank you for the welcome. I can't seem to get a photo, bad timing and gone too much. Greenish grayish high velocity spatter is what it looks like. All the ducks but one have it, including the drake. I work and can't seem to get a fresh enough sample to the vet (they said to refrigerate the sample overnight, I just can't bring myself to put that in the fridge!!).

I did buy amprolium powder and started treating their drinking water, day 3 so far. I haven't seen the splatter poos today. Only a few mushy pudding piles that are more dark mustard color.

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