Duck's leg wobbling

Thank you both! It could take a week or two for the Amazon order to arrive here. Do you still think it's the best thing to do?
You can order directly from durvet
Maybe that would be faster
Usually Amazon is a few days tops
I had a friend from usa bring me some to Canada and she ordered off Amazon
Well, the Durvet high level B complex has been ordered. Delivery date is the 18th. Anything else I can do in the meantime? I'll try to catch her tonight for an exam...she might not let me though.
Well, the Durvet high level B complex has been ordered. Delivery date is the 18th. Anything else I can do in the meantime? I'll try to catch her tonight for an exam...she might not let me though.
Do you have peas ? They do contain some niacin
Maybe sprinkle them with nutritional yeast
Just till you get the vitamin in
Could also mix up smaller portions of feed and see if they get more of the flakes in
I do 1 tbs to 1 cup feed
Do you have peas ? They do contain some niacin
Maybe sprinkle them with nutritional yeast
Just till you get the vitamin in
Could also mix up smaller portions of feed and see if they get more of the flakes in
I do 1 tbs to 1 cup feed
I currently don't have peas, but I will try to get some. I'll try what you suggested with the feed. Thank you!
Do you have a way to put her and a buddy in an area where they may eat more of their feed with the NY on it.
Hmm...I really only have the hospital pen which is an XL dog crate in the basement. I'd rather not put them in there if I don't have to. And I actually don't remember who it was who had the wobbly leg - I have two that look very similar. I just went out and examined both of the "twins." Neither had wobbly legs tonight, but one was much lighter and less plump than the other. Maybe she's not getting as much food as the others.
Hmm...I really only have the hospital pen which is an XL dog crate in the basement. I'd rather not put them in there if I don't have to. And I actually don't remember who it was who had the wobbly leg - I have two that look very similar. I just went out and examined both of the "twins." Neither had wobbly legs tonight, but one was much lighter and less plump than the other. Maybe she's not getting as much food as the others.
I agree I have 3 areas and several waterers set up
2 kid pools and 2 ponds
This way it stops bullying
I have 19 ducks and 1 goose

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