Duck's leg wobbling

I don't know how many ducks you have but we def need more than one feeding station especially if yours are anything like mine they can be pretty grumpy at times. I have one female who is rather mean actually so having more feeding stations assures everyone gets to eat.

I agree I have 3 areas and several waterers set up
2 kid pools and 2 ponds
This way it stops bullying
I have 19 ducks and 1 goose
Ok, thank you! I'll try a different feeder setup. I only have 4 ducks, all females and all full sisters. I keep a small amount of food and water in the coop and the large feeder is outside. Only one pool but they seem to share it just fine so far.
The vitamin B complex arrived. So... 1 ml per duck per day. How long do you expect me to have to give it to them? I can tell this is going to be difficult - I already poked myself with the needle trying to draw the liquid from the bottle. 🤣 (don't worry, I'm not using the needle to administer it to the ducks)
The vitamin B complex arrived. So... 1 ml per duck per day. How long do you expect me to have to give it to them? I can tell this is going to be difficult - I already poked myself with the needle trying to draw the liquid from the bottle. 🤣 (don't worry, I'm not using the needle to administer it to the ducks)
I honestly don’t use a needle
I poked a hole with a smaller drill bit and now I can use syringe without needle to get it
Just turn upside down
Usually 2-3 weeks to see improvements and continue 1 week after fully back to normal
So, as I feared, it did not go well at all this morning. The B complex just dribbled out of their beaks. And I really doubt they will eat treats when they are separated and stressed. How in the world do you make sure each get the right amount of vitamin B into them?!

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