Ducks out of water?

Would you keep ducks without a pond?

  • No

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  • Yes

    Votes: 2 100.0%

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5 Years
Mar 4, 2014

Question for you with experience keeping ducks-- is it cruel to keep ducks without a pond? We've had a nice flock of chickens (mostly egg-laying varieties) for the past several years. At one point, before what we refer to in our family as The Great Chicken Massacre of Aught-six, (perpetrated by our own dog, alas...) we had two crested mallards that were a total impulse buy by me when I was picking up our chicks. They were messy messy little ducklings, of course, but they didn't live long enough as adults for me to get a good feel for keeping ducks.

Fast-forward eight years and while we quickly started over with our flock (we still have 3 birds from the original 'rebuilding' flock- one is named Phoenix ;) ), we haven't added any ducks. But now my boys are clamoring to get a couple ducklings next spring when we get our yearly chicks.
We have no pond for them to swim in. I have been checking out breeds and I really like the Indian Runners, but everything I've read says, yes, you can keep ducks without water, but really, they prefer water.

So, what are your informed opinions? How cruel is it to keep ducks without a pond? Can you house ducks with chickens or do they need their own pen?
If you don't have a pond, how messy are they and how do you set up their food/water to minimize the spillage (I recall the ducklings we had needed quite a bit of water while eating, and would empty a waterer in a single day)?

I really appreciate all your input!
Welcome! I think it isn't cruel to keep ducks without a pond. Some breeds of duck like water more then others. You can give them a big water trough to swim in and they'll be happy with that.
I don't think they necessarily need a pond, but they should have a soak and splash place. Home stores carry large concrete mix tubs (I think that's what they are for). They are large, shallow black tubs. Perfect for splashing but not too big to dump or put away. They are less than $20.
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At the moment, my 3 ducks have two larger cat litter pans that get filled with water 3x a day. They get in them and splash, as well as drink. They seem fine. You definitely want water for obvious reasons(to live lol), but also so they don't choke. Ducks will fill up a mouthful, then waddle over and wash it down. This seems vital. The occasions I let mine free-range, I ALWAYS keep water out where they can reach it.

As far as ducks with chickens; ducks are 10x more messy than any chicken. They're also much louder and more obnoxious vocally( females mainly). My 2 duck hens irritate the crap out of me sometimes. I LOVE my Khaki drake...he's my boy.
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At the moment, my 3 ducks have two larger cat litter pans that get filled with water 3x a day. They get in them and splash, as well as drink. They seem fine. You definitely want water for obvious reasons(to live lol), but also so they don't choke. Ducks will fill up a mouthful, then waddle over and wash it down. This seems vital. The occasions I let mine free-range, I ALWAYS keep water out where they can reach it.

As far as ducks with chickens; ducks are 10x more messy than any chicken. They're also much louder and more obnoxious vocally( females mainly). My 2 duck hens irritate the crap out of me sometimes. I LOVE my Khaki drake...he's my boy.
How loud are Campbells? I really want for the eggs! I'd only get one and I'd keep her with my chickens.

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