Ducky Injury!!!


Jul 6, 2022
I let my ducklings out into the main run today with a ton of chickens, a momma with a bunch of babies, and two older ducks. There's enough room and coop/brooder space for everyone to kinda stay to themselves. We were gone for much of the afternoon and I just came down to check on everyone. I found this little guy, fine except for the missing skin. I'll separate the young young'uns again for a few more days and try reintroducing, not knowing if this was caused by a duck, chicken, or even a bit of fencing.
The question here is do I use blue kote, just some neosporin, or just leave it be? It's a clean tear of the skin. The bleeding is done. The muscle underneath is unharmed. How do I treat???


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I let my ducklings out into the main run today with a ton of chickens, a momma with a bunch of babies, and two older ducks. There's enough room and coop/brooder space for everyone to kinda stay to themselves. We were gone for much of the afternoon and I just came down to check on everyone. I found this little guy, fine except for the missing skin. I'll separate the young young'uns again for a few more days and try reintroducing, not knowing if this was caused by a duck, chicken, or even a bit of fencing.
The question here is do I use blue kote, just some neosporin, or just leave it be? It's a clean tear of the skin. The bleeding is done. The muscle underneath is unharmed. How do I treat???
Just wanted to say, at that age they still need to be in a brooder with heat 24/7. Outside time is okay for a few minutes while supervised but they should not be left alone when they have no feathers/are this small.

Best of luck to your little guy, I hope he heals quickly!
Just wanted to say, at that age they still need to be in a brooder with heat 24/7. Outside time is okay for a few minutes while supervised but they should not be left alone when they have no feathers/are this small.

Best of luck to your little guy, I hope he heals quickly!
Thanks. I've seen conflicting info on that. I'm going off sources that say that as long as it's at least 55 at night they're okay outside, but I'm always open to new info!

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