Ducky Injury!!!

I would never let my small ducklings out with my bigger ones
I keep them in a smaller pen I made out of hardwire with a roof so they are safe When I take them outside as they get bigger I add a dog pen so they can have more room and able to touch beaks with the other ducks
My big ducks will check them out but can’t touch them
I did this for 3 weeks starting at age 2 weeks as long as it was warm out
At 5 weeks I let them out with the big ducks supervised and all was good after a few days of that I allowed them to free range with them all day but still have their own sleep area
I have 9 day olds now and no way I would let them out with any of my ducks even supervised at this stage
They have a night pen beside the 6 week olds so they can all get use to each other without touching for another month before trying open time
I would never let my small ducklings out with my bigger ones
I keep them in a smaller pen I made out of hardwire with a roof so they are safe When I take them outside as they get bigger I add a dog pen so they can have more room and able to touch beaks with the other ducks
My big ducks will check them out but can’t touch them
I did this for 3 weeks starting at age 2 weeks as long as it was warm out
At 5 weeks I let them out with the big ducks supervised and all was good after a few days of that I allowed them to free range with them all day but still have their own sleep area
I have 9 day olds now and no way I would let them out with any of my ducks even supervised at this stage
They have a night pen beside the 6 week olds so they can all get use to each other without touching for another month before trying open time
The bigger ducks are only 2 weeks older.(6 and 4 week olds) I was hoping they'd get along well enough after a couple days of a shared but separated coop and separated in a temporary run within the run. It could be little one could have gotten to close to the momma hen with her babies and she had words with him. I have no way of knowing.
Thanks. I've seen conflicting info on that. I'm going off sources that say that as long as it's at least 55 at night they're okay outside, but I'm always open to new info!
Yes that is OK for short supervised spells outside [although I don't have ducklings out at temps less than 70F]. Your ducklings weren't out for a short supervised time. They are so vulnerable when they are so tiny and ducks other than their mama duck, and chickens have no qualms about trampling ducklings
The bigger ducks are only 2 weeks older.(6 and 4 week olds) I was hoping they'd get along well enough after a couple days of a shared but separated coop and separated in a temporary run within the run. It could be little one could have gotten to close to the momma hen with her babies and she had words with him. I have no way of knowing.
I would give it a few weeks of seeing but not touching then try short supervised together
You will see who is accepting
There is always a pecking order as well as momma bears are really protective

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