Duks vs Chickens

Oh shoot.

How the heck did I spell DUCKS wrong??!!!!!!!!???????!!!!!!!??????
DH asked me that the other day - if I could only have one, which ones.
I said ducks.

Chickens are cleaner to keep. But I like my ducks. I really like them both, so hopefully it isn't a decision I have to make.
My chicken eggs are clean. My duck eggs are typically covered in poop.

They both have their pros and cons.
I have had many chickens and many ducks, but now I no longer have chickens, I found that I like waterfowl better. To me they are easier to care for and are just plain cool.
i would pick duck because i like watching them in the pools and they dont have to have a roost post they are easy to put up at night you dont have to run to catch them you can also herd them
I have had chickens off and on all my life, and even Bluefeet, who was the tamest nicest chicken ever, didn't compare to the cute fun and friendliness of my Muscovy duck lol. I raised both from chicks myself.

Bluefeet's companion turned out to be a rooster, and we lived in the city then, so he went in the pot. Bluefeet was on her own, to be my pal, wander the yard by day, sleeping in a cage in the garage at night. She let you hold her like a baby, and we took her to petting zoos. And when the zoning board said NO POULTRY GET RID OF IT we appealed, saying she was 5 years old at that point, and was a PET not livestock, didnt bother anyone, so they grandfathered her in, I guess thinking how long can she live? lol she was 11 when she died.

Duckie had a friend to start with but her friend was not healthy and died. So I raised up one duckling who follows me everywhere, loves showers, eats from my hand, snuggles my chin when shes on my lap, walks on a leash. She goes places with us in a cat carrier, and lets people pet her. She wags her tail like a dog, and I think she has more personality than some dogs I've owned. She's quirky and everyone loves her.

DH despises chickens. Had it not been for that, I might never have gotten a duckling to begin with. But he loves Duckie too, and is OK with getting a few more this year.

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