Duramycin 10 Dosage for 6 young chickens? Coryza?

Cpuzz I took my chooks to the avian vet today. I was up all night worrying , He doesn't think it's coryza phew!!! He told me to keep the 4 unwell birds quarantined for 1 month and give them Trimidine-sulfadimidine 430mg/g , trimethoprim 86mg/g 1/2 teaspoon in 3 litres of water daily for 10 days. He was surprised to hear that people might consider culling when they only have small holdings. Some of his clients have thousands of birds , in which case he would recommend culling anything under par. But in my case I only have 40 fancy birds , much easier to manage even if it was coryza! He also keeps birds and is originally from your neck of the woods.
By the way , I found that after 24 hrs on the cephalexin the original symptoms had all but cleared up.i only had capsules 500mg so I emptied cap into a tbsoon added water dissolved the powder and divided into 4x syringes(without needle) and administed straight into their beaks.
Thanks to your thread I was on top of it very quickly (with the cephalexin ) so cheers !!!! & thanks.
Fancychooklady, I'm glad to hear that it isn't Coryza! Thanks for sharing. How are your chickens doing now? Mine started getting better on their own. No runny noses. Every once and awhile I would hear a sneeze. So I held off on treatment to see if it was a virus that would pass. A couple of runny noses have started again, and the chicken that I orginally treated with Tylan (because she had an eye that closed up and nasal passages blocked) is starting to have eye problems again with the same eye. So I am going to the store today to see if I can get something to treat them with there. If not I will try to buy online.
eamoret: How are your chickens doing? I am going to try to start mine on Sulmet. They were getting better, but now the runny noses are back so I am going to treat.
Hey cpuzz, I had another 3 x hens show symptoms of a gurgling noise in their throat
so I quarantined them quick smart
I gave them all cephalexin
dissolved in water twice a day for 3 days gave them the medicated water and their all doing well
. Btw . I will keep these guys away from the flock for at least a month! I have cleaned the pens entirely, replaced all feeders and water containers. The puzzling thing is that the 3 x silkies that I introduced over a month ago , have still shown no signs of illness. The other possibility is I have had a lot of sparrows around and we live by a river so we have some unwelcome ducks trying to steal the
food. The medicated water that my vet prescribed is similar to sulmet ,it must be changed daily and given for at least 10 days. I hope that this helps you and your little
guys .
I too think I have some bad bug in my flock. Mycoplasma Gallisepticum I think is closest to the symptoms. Runny smelly nose, swollen eyes, coughing the worst was raspy breathing. I culled the 3 worst ones. I had 2 that had 1 closed eye. I treated the whole flock in the main coop about 20 birds 5 months to 3 years old. I also treated the grow out pen of (13) 6 week-14 week olds. The 2 with closed eyes got better. They look normal now. But now my adults are showing signs runny smelly nose and sneezing. Egg production was 2 out of 10 hens.It has been 2 weeks since I last gave meds. So last night I started everyone back on Duramycin-10. I'll do it for 5 days. But now I have new babies a broody sitting on 8 eggs and a broody who 2 weeks ago hatched 14 of 15 eggs. The broody's and babies are in the grow out pen and have no contact with the main flock. No one in the grow out pen has showed symptoms. The main flock free range. I don't know if I got it from the 2 new roo I bought last month from 2 different farms. Or if it came from wild birds. I have a lot of wild life in the yard. The idea of culling all 67 birds makes me sick. I been working on olive and chocolate eggs for 3 years. Some of the hens are my kids pets. I had thought of selling chicks and eggs. But if my choice is to close off the flock and have eating eggs only or cull and start over and hope I don't get it again. That's 3 year of select breeding time and money wasted. How do I know it didn't come from the farm next door. I might just end up with it again! I think I'll just take my chances and close my flock. Get a vet out here to vac the new babies and hope it just stays under control. A couple years from now I might get rid of them all and start over with a new project. It's all just too much atm.
Hey cpuzz, I had another 3 x hens show symptoms of a gurgling noise in their throat
so I quarantined them quick smart
I gave them all cephalexin
dissolved in water twice a day for 3 days gave them the medicated water and their all doing well
. Btw . I will keep these guys away from the flock for at least a month! I have cleaned the pens entirely, replaced all feeders and water containers. The puzzling thing is that the 3 x silkies that I introduced over a month ago , have still shown no signs of illness. The other possibility is I have had a lot of sparrows around and we live by a river so we have some unwelcome ducks trying to steal the
food. The medicated water that my vet prescribed is similar to sulmet ,it must be changed daily and given for at least 10 days. I hope that this helps you and your little
guys .
It's spreading as I knew it would. The meds your vet gave you to treat the infected birds are basically the same type of meds for treating coryza and/or MG. The disease will continue to spread throughout your flock eventually infecting all of them. You'll have to maintain a closed flock if you decide to keep them.
Dawg you could be right
but I hope your not . I haven't had anymore go out
since Saturday. When I cleaned the pens I found that where the rain had leaked in the hay had a powdery mildew underneath. Today everybody is breathing properly, no
probs ,fingers xed.
The vet got it right and it isn't coryza
Peach2u, dido! That's just how I feel ,don't think I'd have the heart to start over if I had to cull

We have more than 50 acres and if I have to I'll keep these
guys closed and hope the sea eagles nesting in our trees don't get them.
Dawg you could be right
but I hope your not . I haven't had anymore go out
since Saturday. When I cleaned the pens I found that where the rain had leaked in the hay had a powdery mildew underneath. Today everybody is breathing properly, no
probs ,fingers xed.
The vet got it right and it isn't coryza
You're absolutely correct about the mildew, that can cause all these symptoms. But it doesnt explain the recommended quarantining of your birds and the meds your vet prescribed. You also stated that your vet would recommend culling infected birds in large chicken operations, but not in a small flock...what does that tell you? Good luck.
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Just a little tip if anyone is giving their chickens water soluable antibiotics. I soaked a couple of pieces in bread in the antibiotic solution and feed to chickens. They gobbled it up, and this way I am sure they are getting enough of the solution and not having to give it to them with a syringe. I feel like they probably aren't drinking enough of it on their own.

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