Dust Bath Antics


Free Ranging
Dec 12, 2020
Jacksonville, FL
Ok so the goofballs got to get a dust bath yesterday. It was a nice sunny day.
The one is having SO much fun she is literally laying in the dust with both feet in the air wallowing around in the dust !
All 4 of them are in the same hole kicking dirt on each other, it was so funny to watch.

I have a short 30 second or so video of it, is this something I can put on a MM site and link here to it or is that a no no?

Perfectly honest question. Even after trying to resize or whatnot, videos nowadays tend to be very large file size and I just don't see a 40 meg or whatever it turns out to be file being uploaded to this server, if they even did let you upload that kind of file.

I also know that sometimes people posting stuff from other sites can be a very touchy topic so wanted to ask first as to not anger the TDTL Gods.

TDTL - Boomer Joke, back in the early days of the internet, you had to dial in with your phone, and if you pissed off the Admin, they'd disconnect you, TDTL - Trip to Dial Tone Land


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