Dust bath ideas

It seems like a lot of people let their birds dust in stove ashes and/or DE mixed with something like sand. I read an article that said not to use ashes or DE because even humans when using the DE should be wearing a dust mask. It is very bad to get that into your lungs so is it any better for your chickens lungs? Could this be just one cause of many mysterious deaths? Something to think about, I have no experience with either.

I give my bantams the bottom (water catching saucer) of a 14" pot filled with sand and they adore it. I have white chickens and used to put half dirt and half sand and they got too dirty. For bigger chickens I agree with the kitty litter pan would be great.
I completely agree, why would you use something that will harm you on your chicken? My chooks use just garden soil and sand. They free range and I check them for mites and fleas every couple of weeks... It's been over a year....nothing so far.
Yes great point! I sprinkle DE every time I clean their coop...I let the coop "air out" and let them back in after about 15 mins. I might try garden soil...can't be fertiled correct? And not potting soil?
We have 4 x 4 raised flower/garden beds filled with plain ol' garden dirt/sand. We also have a rich dirt/sand mixture in the run. They use both areas for dusting. (When it is time to plant the summer garden, we will replenish the run area with more soil.) We just keep the run scooped and turned daily. We don't use ash or DE and haven't had any mite trouble. -is a matter of personal preference to add ash or DE. Some folks prefer it, and others do not.
Fire pit in your yard. That way you know for sure the wood burned is not treated with chemicals. Have a yard party.:D

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