Dust, Chips and Poop OH MY!

My first batch went in the spare bedroom. I swear I was still finding little piles of chick dust a year later!

The next batch dear hubby would not let chickens inside the house... So they went in the barn...

As much as I love chicks, past a couple days (maybe) they really don't belong in my house...

I just want to know... WHERE DOES ALL THAT DUST COME FROM?
Mine were in the brooder (xl dog cage) in the 3-season room until 3 weeks old and they went into the coop with night temps as low as 45 degrees and some day temps in the 50's. On those days I kept the heat lamp on all day. They're 6 weeks now and I don't have any light or heat on them at night and it's consistently been in the low 50's at night, a couple of nights in the high 40's. They're doing fine. I couldn't stand to see them all crowded anymore and the dust was overwhelming even though I didn't have them in the house. It took me all day to get my room back to normal! I even had to vacuum the beadboard ceiling! We just got the run finished this week and they are having a ball.
It isn't covered, so I only let them out when I can keep an eye on them.

HMK123--when the chicks scratch, they break the shavings down into fine particles and --VOILA! Dust!
you could try covering the top of the brooder or partially covering it to keep the dust in rather then flying around the house if you had too? Booting them out is the best idea at that age its time to leave the "nest" LOL like always its harder on the parents then then kids!! They will be close to you and way happier. Good luck.
Oh so that's where chick dust comes from! What chickens aren't magic?????

Our weather is in the high to mid 40's at night and mid 60's durning the day. I have two heat lamps I'd put out there with them. So I think tomorrow they will spend their first night in the coop...
and I'll just have to sleep with one ear cocked!
Mine are in a brooder in the spare room. They are exactly 2 weeks old today. I *think* they will go to the inside coop tomorrow. I'm struggling because I LOVE having them here in the house and I check on them and play with them several times a day. I'll miss them being so close! But we took them outside to play in a screened in tent last week, and they ran and flew and played for over 2 hours. They crawled all over us and had so much fun. There's just not enough room to play like that in the brooder. I know they'll be happier in the coop. I'm just dreading it for my own selfish reasons!

Good luck moving yours outside. I think it's probably a good thing to do.

Basicliving, my ten are two weeks old also, and I took them out to play in the grass yesterday too. Like yours, they loved it once they started moving around (My two corgis were trying to herd them). They were trying to fly, chasing one another, finding little worms and running with them so another chick would not take it, scratching at everything,... just having a great time. I felt guilty about having to bring them back inside to put them in the brooder. It rained last night, so it's wet and cooler out this morning; sorry, chicks, them's the breaks, maybe later today; it's suppose to be 85 this afternoon.
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Exactly! But it was quite an ordeal catching 23 biddies and putting them in a box with a lid to transport them outside! Only one escaped in the room and she wore me out trying to catch her! Not sure I'm up to doing that again any time soon. I'd really like to move them to their coop tomorrow. Guess I'll just have to trek out there several times a day to play with them. I know they'll be a lot happier with more room to play and more roosting space. But I'll sure miss having them right here with me.

I put them their coop today and they have been pecking in their run. And are all tired out from the change. Laying all together sleeping.
Cleaned my bathroom for the first time for weeks ~Ewww

Now I know I'll be out there over and over tonight hoping they are alive!!!
doing this

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