Dutch Bantams Breed Thread

There was ONE cockerel (from English import into Canada) that was included in a box of young birds of another breed, into PA. Person had no Dutch and sent him to WA. By breeding with LB, it is possible in 2 or 3 generations to get some Red Pile offspring. Not an easy task. Nothing yet. It has been hoped to obtain several more from Canada, but so far, not possible.
If the color is important. OE GB have them in very good birds.
There was ONE cockerel (from English import into Canada) that was included in a box of young birds of another breed, into PA. Person had no Dutch and sent him to WA. By breeding with LB, it is possible in 2 or 3 generations to get some Red Pile offspring. Not an easy task. Nothing yet. It has been hoped to obtain several more from Canada, but so far, not possible.
If the color is important. OE GB have them in very good birds.

Thanks Jean. I was thinking of using a Red Pyle OEGB if I could not find a Red Pyle Dutch Bantam. It would be for a Vorwerk color project (http://kippenjungle.nl/witvorwerk.htm) but I'm still trying to figure out if I can use Red Pyle hens X Vorwerk Rooster, or if it has to be Vorwerk hens X Red Pyle Rooster, for the same results. I just thought it would be nice to stick with the Dutch Bantam if possible since my ancestry is about 97% Dutch heritage. Thanks again!
Here in Holland there are more people who have pyle Dutch. I know that some breeders send eggs all over the world (except australia). This must be a quicker way to obtain pyle Dutch.

I have two pyle hens but unfortunately my pyle rooster had to leave because he made to much noise.

There is a site with breeders in Belgium/Netherlands with e-mail addresses. You can contact them and ask if they can send 10 eggs by plane if you wil pay the costs.

fokkers = breeder (this is no joke)
hollandse kriel = Dutch bantams
and most people can read english

good luck
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Sorry, cannot legally send eggs to US. If we could, we would have all the varieties that have been created in Holland. I used to visit Holland every other year, just to attend the larger Shows, AND to visit breeders of Dutch Bantams. Also Germany, France, Italy, Denmark, Belgium. Sadly, several of the breeders are now gone, and I am so grateful to have visited with them and learned so much about the Dutch Bantams.. And several breeders and their families, have come over to visit me. My Mille Fleur (Porselein) and Cream Mille Fleur Dutch (Citroen Porselein) came from Jan Voets. We cannot make Red Pyle Dutch, using OEGB, because their type is so dominant-=-and WRONG for Dutch type, that several breeders, who tried, gave up, just made mongrel (but pretty and dear) banties. However, for the Voorwerk project, color is the easiest to move, and either sex should give "intermediate" breeders. Type is a different genetic inheritance, much more complicated. For genetic exercise and trial, go for it...... We do not have the regional bantam breeds that are compatible with Dutch Bantams that are available in Holland, but in the last few years other bantam breeds have been used for still new varieties, that are still not true Dutch TYPE.
Though this may be an older note, it warrants a response. In northern Wisconsin near Spooner (same temps as Int.Falls, MN with minus-35F), our mille fleur dutch bantams do just fine, albeit with some comb frostbite that does not deter them from running about when temps are over 0F-deg. Ours have four 90-watt halogens of thick glass bulbs hung on 1x6 pine board about 14-inches above their roost; since the roost is high and the foil-foam-foil board insulated ceiling has ten inches of insulation over it, the hot air rising keeps them toasty. They sleep fine in the brightness. All hens laying, though they are creative in their deposit placement even though they have nest boxes. Sometimes they run over to the other hen house and lay right in where the big birds nest.

A better cold heater is a sparkless oil-filled radiator heater hung with re-bar stakes INSIDE an ash can. The re-bar elevates the lid two inches for convection flow, and chickens cannot long perch upon it, nor get debris inside the heater. Worth blowing out the dust from the thermostat-driven heater every month; can of air works best, though nozzle from portable air tanks is also grand. Can post a picture. We also have the same setup behind a metal twin bedframe in our goat house. Goat house draws bantams like a magnet, keeping 40+ degrees above the outside low temps, running only on 600-watts (settings have another 900, 1500 switch combo); inside pallet/straw bale goat house is 12ftx8ftx7ft.

Sebrights and Mille Fleur Dutches love foam insulation.
Working perfectly....

The comments for your order are: 10 Sebright Bantams, 5 Dutch Bantams, and 15 Marek''s Vaccination Service are SCHEDULED TO SHIP ON May 6, 2015. You should expect delivery within 24-72 hours from the scheduled date. Birds are shipped Priority Mail via Postal Service and usually arrive within 48 hours. The Post Office will call you to pick up the birds, they should not deliver them to your door. For optimum heallth, please read our chick care instructions here
https://www.purelypoultry.com/chick-care-ezp-69.html Thank you.
Not sure if I should post this here but here it goes I these 2 Roos and don't know what breed of bantam they are please help me figure it out thank you in advance
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